Why is Trump wrong when he says that Apple should handle 5G in the US

Time 22/04/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

President Donald Trump visited an Apple campus in Texas in the presence of CEO Tim Cook. He returned with a post on Twitter, in his characteristic style, to prove, again, that he doesn't really understand anything about technology.

President Donald Trump is, thanks to the country he leads, the most powerful man on the planet. But he has repeatedly demonstrated an atypical and unpredictable way of doing politics. He has built a real estate business empire, and many analysts say he is completely unprepared for the presidency of the United States. Somehow, however, he was elected and, from this position, annoyed or outraged many people.

The other day, Trump and Tim Cook visited one of the Apple factories in Texas, where the Americans are building their Mac Pros. After this visit, Trump returned with a post on Twitter. He said Apple should implement 5G technology in America.

And he has shown that he has no idea what Apple is doing.

How Trump messed it up with Apple and 5G

De ce greșește Trump când spune că Apple ar trebui să se ocupe de 5G în SUA

First, Donald Trump's tweet:

So President Donald Trump believes that Apple has it all: money, technology, and a CEO like Tim Cook. So why not take care of the implementation of 5G in the United States, the Washington leader wonders. Only there are some problems in the middle, obviously. Trump doesn't know what he's talking about.

Apple is a manufacturer of phones with related businesses in this area. For example, it has entered the video streaming market, precisely to reduce its dependence on phones, tablets and other such gadgets. So Apple is not a telecom company, as Donald Trump probably mistakenly thinks. Going from phones to networking equipment would mean a complete change of strategy and something else entirely.

Which is no indication that Apple wants to do that in the near future.

5G, according to Trump

The new 5G technology promises to be a revolutionary one in the field of mobile data. It will be the basis for many turning points in many industries, from automotive to robotics and other such fields. The new generation of the Internet will be more than 100 times faster than the current 4G and will help the development of autonomous cars and smart cities. There are some big players in this market: Huawei, Nokia, Ericsson and the Americans from AT&T and Verizon.

Trump should have been referring to the last two American companies, not Apple. Because Tim Cook has nothing to do with networking. Of course, it can build new products that benefit from the new technology. Such as 5G phones. But not equipment.

To give you an idea of ​​what it means to invest in 5G technology, at the equipment level, AT&T allocates $ 20 billion annually for 5G development, and Verizon allocates about $ 17 billion. There are sums with which Apple can build 17 campuses like the one in Texas, visited by Trump. And it's not that Apple doesn't have that money. It's just that if he changed his strategy now, he'd be in for a treat.

Because other big players are already far ahead. These are obvious issues that Trump has no idea about. But he got used to this style. When trolling (intentionally or unintentionally), when throwing a post like Apple and 5G. Trump looks like a president who is willing to play his part.

Whether or not Americans are satisfied with this style of doing politics will be seen in 2020, when the US presidential election will take place and Donald Trump will run for a new term.