Whatsapp Messenger-Here's how you share pictures, videos, links, etc without entering the application

Time 15/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

The WhatsApp Messenger application has been updated last night and we have already talked about the VoIP call function or the option to deactivate reading confirmations, so now we are talking about another function implemented by WhatsApp, it is called Share Sheets and allowing the sharingcontent from other applications of the operating system using WhatsApp Messenger, but without accessing this application beforehand.

Normally sharing content through the WhatsApp Messenger application requires opening, accessing a contact, pressing the sharing button and choosing the type of content we want to share, but starting last night the procedure is much simpler and no matter what applicationUse, if it has content that can be sent through WhatsApp, you will be able to do it quickly.

How do I send pictures, video clips or links through WhatsApp Messenger with Share Sheets?

Before you can benefit from this new simplified content sharing system you will need to activate the option for WhatsApp Messenger, and to do this follow the steps below:

  1. Accesati orice aplicatie in care aveti poze/clipuri video sau Safari.
  2. Apasati butonul de partajare de continut, el fiind pozitionat central in browserul Safari.
  3. Din noul meniu alegeti optiunea Altele, in cazul in care nu apare, faceti scroll din stanga spre dreapta pentru a o afisa.
  4. Acum bifati WhatsApp Messenger si apasati butonul OK.

WhatsApp Messenger – iata cum partajezi poze, clipuri video, link-uri, etc fara a intra in aplicatie

Well, I activated the quick share of WhatsApp Messenger, but how will the procedure continue when we want to do effective sharing?Well choosing the iconita Whisapp Messenger you will automatically open a menu in which you can choose a conversation from the list of WhatsApp Messenger conversations, choosing the conversation directly to the sharing menu.

In this menu you will see for photos and videos of video editing options, the multimedia content can be attached to a message that will be seen by your friends, and if you want to completely give up the procedure, then you can press the button., or you can press the icon of the trash bin that will do the same thing.

For links you will see a simpler menu that displays only a window where you have available the selected link for sharing and the option to write a message to your friends, so in this situation everything is much simpler than you would beimagined.

In conclusion, WhatsApp Messenger benefits from these functions half a year since the launch of iOS 8, but at least we have them finally available.