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Time 14/10/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Android is the most used operating system in the world.This means you have to have the best security applications and antivirus tools for Android installed on your device.It is an essential thing because the Google operating system is often targeted by malware due to its popularity.

Regardless of the software you use on your phone or Android tablet, it would be good to have an antivirus or security app on your device. Vom detalia, prin intermediul TechRadar, câteva dintre cele mai bune programe antivirus pentru Android – cele mai multe dintre acestea sunt aplicații care pot fi descărcate gratuit.Many of them do much more than to perform automatic scans and prevent the opening and files of malicious pages and files.

Vă sfătuim să vă instalați unul dintre aceste programe indiferent dacă aveți un telefon de ultimă generație cum ar fi Huawei, Sony, HTC, Google sau bineînțeles un smartphone Samsung, de la cel mai mare producător din lume.

Avast Mobile Security.The giant Avast antivirus has created an app that is more than an omnipresent scanner.The characteristics of the free version include locking calls, firewall and even an anti-type measure, allowing you to block or remotely delete the Android device if it is stolen.The app has been paid but is now free.Another very useful feature is "blocking in the application", in which your device.will ask for a pine code before opening certain applications.This prevents Malware programs to automatically launch applications such as Internet Banking.

Bitdefender Antivirus free. Bitdefender este un nume mare în comunitatea de securitate, iar programul său antivirus gratuit este extrem de bun.It does not run in the background, which releases the system resources and saves the battery life. Acest lucru înseamnă că trebuie să programați scanări sau să le rulați manual pentru a fi în siguranță.That being said, all new applications downloaded on your device.are automatically scanned.Another advantage of this application is that it is ready to run as soon as it is installed - no additional configuration is required.

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Avl. Antiy Avl este un fost câștigător al premiului AV-Test (o echipă independentă de testare antivirus), pentru o protecție optimă a dispozitivelor mobile.Its features include an antivirus database and a scanner capable of detecting any malicious file that wants to enter the smartphone. Alte caracteristici utile includ blocarea apelurilor pentru a preveni numere rău intenționate, precum și o caracteristică anti-phishing pentru a opri în primul rând încărcarea site-urilor dăunătoare.

McAfee Security.Mcafee is a well -known name when it comes to PC antivirus software, and this Android application - McAfee Mobile Security - does not disappoint.In addition to the antivirus scanner, free features include tracking a lost device, as well as blocking and deleting it from a distance.If your device.It is stolen, the application can even take a picture of the thief!Other important aspects include the ability to scan applications to verify that they run sensitive information and to block them, if necessary.MCAFEE will also block access to potentially harmful sites.

Kaspersky Mobile Antivirus. Kaspersky are o reputație la nivelul Bitdefender.The free version of its security application has some impressive features and is very good at taking malware, with a detection rate of 99.9%, according to AV-Test studies in November 2017. Kaspersky Antivirus & Security va încerca, de asemenea, să blocheze toate site-urile sau legăturile rău intenționate înainte de a le face clik pe ele, împiedicând o infecție.A key feature is the support for Android Wear, which simplifies security management.

Norton Security and Antivirus.This free norton app managed to detect 100% of all Android malware when evaluated by AV-test a few months ago.The scanner is powered by Norton Mobile Insight and can detect viruses in applications and files, then automatically removes them.

Other useful security features include the ability to block your phone through an SMS message where the SIM card is removed.You can also block your device from a distance if it is stolen.

AHNLAB V3 Mobile Security. Această aplicație de securitate AhnLab nu este la fel de faimoasă ca celelalte, dar are totuși rate foarte mari de detectare a malware-ului Android în conformitate cu AV-Test (99,6%) și rulează bine chiar și pe dispozitive Android mai vechi.Other features include a hidden gallery for personal photos and a confidential cleaning program to safely delete the navigation history.Anti-type measures include an alarm that triggers if the device is lost or the SIM card is replaced.You can also track, block and delete your device from a distance.