Solved, an application that helps you find craftsmen or craftsmen for the house

Time 28/10/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

The application is available in AppStore and Google Play, runs in ten different languages, and can be downloaded for free.

Noua aplicaţie oferă utilizatorilor acces la o bază de date de specialişti şi meşteri de profesie din diferite domenii de activitate precum construcţii, amenajări, pază, servicii de înfrumuseţare, electrocasnice, electronice, service auto, curăţenie, transport, sanitare sau educaţie, care locuiesc în proximitatea locuinţei lor şi la care pot apela ori de câte ori întâmpină o situaţie neprevăzută.

The steps that the user must take to have access to the services of the specialists registered in the application are:

  1. Să acceseze aplicaţia şi să creeze un cont în baza numărului de telefon.
  2. Să comunice locaţia pentru o acurateţe mai bună.
  3. Să introducă în rubrica „Ce cauţi?” termenii care îi descriu nevoia – ca de exemplu: „ţeavă spartă”, „inundaţie” etc. şi meseria propriu-zisă,precum “mecanic”, “tâmplar”, “electrician”sau orice alt termen pe care îl consideră a fi relevant.
  4. Să verifice listele cu specialiştii disponibili afişati de aplicaţie în urma căutării.
  5. Să vizualizeze profilul specialiştilor şi să îl poată apelă direct din aplicaţie pe cel de care este interesat.

If there are no nearby specialists available at the time of search, the application allows the other specialists in the application to be notified, but only if their profile contains at least one of the fields of "field of activity", "job" or "Skills ”completed with one of the keywords sought by the user who needs services.

SOLVED, o aplicaţie care te ajută să găseşti meşteri sau meseriaşi pentru casă

The rules of the application require specialists and craftsmen to reach the customer in less than 90 minutes, so that they receive specialized help in a short time as possible.

"If you are a specialist in a field and you want to give your services in the vicinity of your home, Solved can be a quick and effective solution for you..”, Declares Marius Chiriac (founder of Solved)."The main objective of the application is to provide help to both parties: users who need help and specialists who want to offer their services.”, Continue this.

Specialists and craftsmen who want to have an additional income can do their services available in the application.Also here, they can improve their profiles by adding images with their professional achievements, so that they are useful when users seek help in the application.

The application also has a database, which can help the user find out about craftsmen who can be useful when needed.

In order to be able to create a profile in the Solved application, specialists or craftsmen should not pay any tax at the beginning, and in the future a fee of only 2-3 euros per month will be charged, announced in advance through the application.For the rest of the users, the app will be free.