Review Resident Evil Village - Traditional Buhuhu!

Time 10/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

After the madness of the year that was 2020 with his game launches, 2021 started a bit shy.In full pandemic, as if people did not burn them, and the few good titles this year have been overlooked quite quickly.But here we are entering the hot season, and one of its announcers is Resident Evil Village.The eighth game in the series (if we take it after Capcom) is a direct continuation of the story in Resident Evil VII and represents the second game in the series that puts you in a First-Person perspective.

The most interesting part for gamers in Romania?Well, the game takes place in a village in Transylvania, which over time has inspired a lot of books, movies and games through its rich history, mythical creatures and a certain ruler who had a fetish with oversized toothpicks.But let's not extend it and see what the new Resident Evil Village eats!

Resident Evil așa cum nu-l vezi prea des

All my childhood I have heard of Resident Evil, a horror game that put you in the skin of more characters in an almost third-three-dimensional perspective.But this happened years ago, and with the fourth game in the series introduced the Third-Person perspective with which we used to.This thing was valid until 2017, when Resident Evil VII came with a completely new approach.Forget about the Third-Person perspective and a character you can see;It is time to enter the skin, eyes and minds of a completely new character and live horror at another level.

Resident Evil Village manages to scare you only through the First-Person camera, giving a claustrophobic perspective that makes you ask you "what is hidden after the shoulder?"and who manages to feel extremely natural through the character's movements.The whole First-Person camera makes all the small homes in the Transylvanian village to be even more frightening.Fortunately, the game does not use cheap tactics like jumpcares to lift your pulse, its atmosphere being enough;well, at least at first.

When it comes to tradition and authenticity, Resident Evil Village manages to give her a fence.The architecture of the village is on-Point in many respects, and the landscape seems to be from somewhere in Romania.But at the same time it is seen that the research was short and done in a hurry: the cars have no job, these tractors I have not seen in us in the country, and the English almost perfectly spoken by all the characters that are supposed to-Only Romanian peasants and their vampires make me shit.For my part, a great minus for authenticity, but at least you buy upgrades for weapons and spirit for wounds (heavy).

Din lac în puț

This is how the story of Resident Evil Village is presented.This is closely linked to the story of Re7 and sees Ethan and his wife three years after the events in the previous game.For those who do not know the story, it is okay, as they will have the opportunity to watch a video summary at the beginning of this game.In short, it has been three years since Mia was rescued from the Louisiana farm and the Winters family has been relocated to Romania, in a location away from the eyes of the world.And just when it seemed that the two young people can resume their lives with Rose, their newborn little girl, things take an unexpected turn.Theoretically I should have been surprised, right?Although he smelled from a post of the bullet collected by Mia.Ah, I forgot, it's without spoilers.

Returning ... You are kidnapped by Chris, that is, the fixed gaging that saved you at the end of Resident Evil VII and Rose was taken next to you.On the way, I do not think it can tell us what happened, but you wake up in a car accident and your perfect life with your wife and child in a flirty villa becomes a nightmare from which you have to escape;one more time.And you say that the poor Ethan passed under a few stairs and broke a dozen mirrors only.

Review Resident Evil Village – Buhuhu tradițional!

The story has absolutely nothing special, being easily intuitive, clichés sometimes and overall, a bit boring.Good luck with the antagonists of the game who save the situation, and make Ethan the emotions seem to be more human.Resident Evil Village has a good idea in the back, an interesting setup, but all he manages is to be just another game "Kill all the secondary inamies until you reach Pope Baros."But it is okay, because it is not the story that dictates the tone of the game, but the atmosphere, and here the situation is quite different.

Resident Evil Village nu este chiar atât de înfricoșător

I don't really play this horrous and usually, I manage to scare me at games and movies, so I expected Resident Evil Village to accelerate my bpm.And at first it works, until you get to know the enemies.And now I do not do the hero that I played on the light with the open window so that he does not suck in his atmosphere.However, Johnny Cage and his vat, along with Dimitreasca I see in ten hypostases, none Scary, grandmother with sadistic doll and Jabba The Hut are not necessarily scared.And neither the mother Teresa praying is all big boss, managing to make the game feel more hasty than an Action-Adventure than a survival-horror.

At the same time, I can't say it is bothering me.The monsters in this game look damn good and it seems to have their own personality, which I have always appreciated in the series.But Resident Evil Village makes the mistake of throwing himself too much in the kind of action, leaving the horror elements aside and I think the most annoying thing in this combination is the extremely sudden passage.After the beginning is scary and you feel completely helpless, after about an hour and a half you put your hand on Shotgun and heads of rampo.And about half, Tomb Raider Village ... Ptiu, get me over my mouth.Come on, I struck her as she did with "scared" elements in Village.

And yes, I like it crazy too you can upgrade on the weapons from The Duke's store, but I would feel much more helpless and scared if I knew I have to survive the werewolves by running away, not throughDownloaded four silver in each one.But this is a thing that many fans of the series have complained over time and I don't think we'll see a change too soon.After all, Resident Evil Village must sell and reach a great audience.If we classify it as a horror game, it is not good, but as an action title, I really made me appreciate it.

Lady Dimitrescu și cei trei metri de frumusețe HD

Funny when you find out that the three-meter vampire that has conquered the fantasies of many people with the first images in Resident Evil Village is not the final boss, but even more when you experience the first face-to-face meeting.But Lady Dimitrescu is not the only character who looks good, and in the graphic chapter those at Capcom gave the blow.Although I did not appreciate that a few fingers at first, I could not not admire the werewolf who bit me.Both as a model and from the perspective of the execution I was pleasantly surprised, and during the game I had moments when I went into photo mode just to look at opponents or various views.

All the pictures are made by me, on the PC version of Resident Evil Village, with a mix of settings between Ultra and High, with Ray Thracing Active and Resolution 1440p.On the optimization side, the game is very good and even if I have a system far above average, I did not expect to go so fluid, especially since it has no DLSS support.And on the console the situation is similar and even if the graphics do not reach the same peaks as on the computer version, the new PlayStation 5 offers a graphic fidelity that we used to see on consoles.

When I thought I would score a category very well and I would not have to link myself, the punishment came: the graphic interface.Where Capcom took care very meticulously in graphics, it seems that the menus were made in the last break of coffee and cigarette before launching the game.You still have to browse the menu with the left/right click and contrary to any logic, the Escape key does nothing.It is clear that Resident Evil Village is designed for consoles, but I think a little extra work could have fixed this bub.That's it, we put a bandage over and move on.

O lume care-ți oferă ceva posibilități

The latest games have to meet certain standards and even if you call you Resident Evil, you must innovate.After passing in the first-Person perspective, now the series has made the big step and migrated something more serious in a Setup Open-World to make you want to discover more and more from each location.At first you will have the impression that you get rid of things through the left village, but you will discover that the game has much more to offer than it seems at first sight.

If it is still with Pac-Pac, at least it is done well, right?Resident Evil Village has a fairly well-implemented shooting system, makes you use weapons in more creative ways, such as winding and vases to interact with the environment and the weapon upgrade system reminds me of the remsterized version of the de-The third game.And before you start to comment that the weapons are as powerful as the ball pistols in the fair, do not forget that you do not shoot in people, but in vampires, werewolves and other fantastic creatures.

The locations are thought well and once you have changed the map area, you feel as if you have even passed into someone else's territory.If in the village you are followed by Heisenberg's warrows, in Dimitrescu Castle you will be hunted by the three girls of the Vampir mother, and then to be followed by what seems to be a labyrinth of three meters high.Resident Evil Village does a good job and not let you become Rambo.Although you can always put a mine or throw an explosive barrel in the air, you are trapped quite often in narrow or small spaces, risking you will be thrown into the air along with the plows that are in your way.

Dacă nu există genul action-horror, acum cu siguranță va fi recunoscut

Resident Evil Village is far from being a horror game to score you, such as Outlast or Amnesia, but combines the quite frightening style of the series with the action elements, and this results in a mix that pumps your adrenaline.It is precisely for this reason that I think the game is really good and I can hardly wait to discover all the secrets.I know that the fans of the basic Resident Evil recipe will not be too pleased, and the fans of digital scarecrows will be less impressed, but I think we already know what we are talking about when we see the last year of the franchise.

In addition, I hope I am not the only one who noticed how Village tries to relive Resident Evil 4's success that is now considered as the best game in the series.From the locations, to some opponents and little in the shooting system, it is clear that the ones from Capcom wanted to bind in one way or another to a much better title.If you ask me, it is not a bad move and I think Resident Evil Village manages to stay on the fine line between the marketing product that will sell many children and a niche game that attracts a certain market segment.And I think I can finally say that I received a good game in 2021, from Hitman 3.


Poveste - 6
Gameplay - 8.5
Grafică - 9


Resident Evil Village managed to surprise me, giving more action than scary scenes, and the first-person perspective makes him feel unique, in a large cliché FPS and dozen games.From my part he receives a recommendation and I can hardly wait to come back in the village to unlock everything I can!

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