How do you transmit wireless on TV any type of content through chromecast

Time 20/08/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Google Chromecast este un dispozitiv surprinzător de ieftin ce vă permite să transmiteți o varietate foarte mare de conținut pe TV wireless.Cum transmiți wireless pe TV orice tip de conținut prin Chromecast

With a few years old on the market, Google Chromecast has evolved significantly to the functionality in the last period.Initially, it was very useful only to Android users.At present, it helps you enormously even if you are Mac, PC or iOS users.Available at a price of about 150 lei-the first generation or 300 lei-the second generation, in essence, Chromecast has not changed much.It became a little more sprint and learned to take advantage of faster WiFi communications networks, but at the base is the same device created from scratch for streaming.

Un Chromecast reprezintă unul dintre puținele aparate menite să primească conținut dintr-o varietate foarte mare de surse. Singurul lucru care nu este foarte clar, ține de limitările tipurilor de fișiere pe care le poate afișa. Din acest motiv, mai jos voi detalia cum puteți folosi micuțul dispozitiv pentru a reda aproape orice, indiferent dacă este vorba de un film online, un clip pe care l-ați descărcat de pe internet, o melodie, o prezentare în PowerPoint sau un PDF. Toate acestea reprezintă o mostră infimă din versatilitatea creației Google. Cum transmiți wireless pe TV orice tip de conținut prin Chromecast

What do you need to take advantage of Chromecast?

Pe orice Mac sau PC, vital pentru interacțiunea cu un Chromecast este Google Chrome, browserul oficial al gigantului din Mountain View. În plus, mai aveți nevoie de Google Cast, o extensie de Chrome. Dacă aceasta vă face vreo problemă, precum lipsa unui flux audio constant, încearcați Google Cast Beta, în cazul meu a funcționat mai bine. În situația în care interacționați destul de des cu fișiere Word, PowerPoint sau Excel, extensia Chrome Office Viewer vă permite să le afișați în Chrome, urmând ca în secunda doi să poată ajută pe TV.Cum transmiți wireless pe TV orice tip de conținut prin Chromecast

After the steps detailed above, it would be good to install Chromecast on TV.It connects directly to one of the HDMI ports of the TV, and the power supply is possible either from a USB AR TV or the outlet.It just depends on you for which option you opt for.By default, a chromecast creates a WiFi network.To that you need to log in after you have installed the homonymous app for iOS or Android.From that moment, through a few simple steps, the device can be part of your regular wireless network.

Google Chrome works perfectly with Chromecast

The Google Cast's extension in Chrome is reflected in an additional rectangular button in the upper right corner.When clicking on it, the first option is to broadcast on TV the web content of the current Tab-Cast this tab.In a few seconds, no matter what pervades through the Chrome window will be displayed instantly on the TV.It doesn't matter if we are talking about an online movie, a youtube clip or your favorite news website.Do you want to turn off the transmission?Click the same button and opt for Stop Casting.If something does not work and you have no picture on the TV, make sure you have selected the correct signal source and the chromecast is fed.

Mai multe persoane diferite pot folosi simultan butonul Cast this tab, cu mențiunea de a fi în aceeași rețea WiFi cu stick-ul HDMI. În permanență, ultimul click pe ,,Cast this tab” va defini ce se vede pe TV. Cu alte cuvinte, dacă voi ați pus un clip pe YouTube să se redea pe televizor prin casting și deschideți un tab nou pe același PC sau pe altul, inițierea unei sesiuni noi de casting o va întrerupe/suprascrie pe ultima.În funcție de rapiditatea rețelei voastre wireless, timpul de răspuns pentru streaming va fi mai bun sau mai puțin bun.Cum transmiți wireless pe TV orice tip de conținut prin Chromecast

What do I play or display in Chrome looks perfect on TV

This ability of Google Chrome is not very obvious, but through Drag and Drop, the popular Internet browser does a very good job to play a great variety of audio-video formats.Thus, you do not have to summarize only online movies that you can see on TV through a click.You can see MP4, 3GP, AVI, MOV, M4V, MKV, OGV, OGM or Webm files.From the moment you pulled such files from My Computer to Google Chrome, playback will start instantly, and you will have accessible a few buttons for video flow.You can stop playing, you can run in one direction or another and you can activate the "full screen" module.

When it comes to ordinary documents, Chrome is doing perfectly to display PDFs.Again you can pull a direct pdf into a browser window or choose from the context of such a file to be opened with the Google app.After installing the Chrome Office Viewer extension, earn the same level of flexibility and when it comes to Word, Excel or PowerPoint files.You just have to note the idea of drag-and-drap.

How you only play audio content through Chromecast

If you are on a web page with audio content or you just want to watch a clip on YouTube on your PC, just to listen to the TV speakers, first of all, click on the right right on the casting button.The next step involves choosing triongiu from the upper right corner of the new window and tick "Cast this tab - optimize for audio".From that moment, the audio flow in that window will be transmitted exclusively to TV and nothing will be heard on PC.As much as the option will remain active, adjusting the volume will be made from the TV remote control, not from the laptop or PC.

You can apply the same recipe above and with offline audio files in a Google Chrome window.The MP4, M4A, OGG, Oga, Wav and, of course, MP3 formats are borne..If you do not want to pull each new song in Chrome to be rendered, an extension like Achshar Player facilitates the creation and playlists player from the types of files above.If you use Zonga or Deezer in browser, the audio content detached from those windows can also arrive on TV.

Transmit all the desktop on TV via Chromecast

Although it is not very good for games or windows with very fast action, including dedicated film players, it is appreciated that you can send all the windows open at a time on TV..This feature is not perfect, but you can experience it after clicking on Google Cast extension and chose from the menu accessible to the upper right corner - Cast Screen/Windows (experimental).Immediately a window will be displayed from which you can choose one of the open windows at that time on the PC or all together - Entire Screen.

To interrupt the video content transmission to TV, click on the same casting button and in the Chrome window and choose Stop Casting.It is very likely that in the same moments you have in a significant button marked Stop Sharing in the bottom right corner of the desktop.

Ultimately I hope I managed to convince you about the fact that Google Chromecast is much smarter than you would think surprisingly useful, given the affordable price.Because there is the Chromecast module included in the Android TV operating system, it is worth noting that all the above information is also suitable if you have invested in a recent TV from Philips or Sony with Android.