How to transfer WhatsApp messages from one phone to another

Time 02/07/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Configurarea noului dispozitiv nu trebuie să te sperie. Nici măcar în ceea ce privește WhatsApp-ul ale cărei conversații nu îți vor apărea automat pe noul telefon așa cum se întâmplă în cazul altor aplicații.How to transfer WhatsApp messages from one phone to another

In the following we will tell you what you will have to do to transfer your WhatsApp account from the old phone to the new one.

How to transfer WhatsApp messages from one phone to another

WhatsApp is one of the most popular free messaging and calling services.At present there are over two billion users of Android, iOS and other operating systems from over 180 countries using this application.

The new versions of WhatsApp give you the opportunity to back up on Google Drive conversations with your family and friends.For this you have to follow a few steps.

PASUL 1How to transfer WhatsApp messages from one phone to another

First of all, make sure that on the old phone you have installed and activated the Google Drive application.If not, enter the Google Play store, download the app and install it on your smartphone.

Step 2

Then enter the WhatsApp application, press the three vertical points in the right-hand corner, choose settings, then choose conversations and press conversations.

Here you can opt for the backup to be done manually or automatically and you can choose what time the backup is made: daily, weekly or monthly.In this way, whenever you install the WhatsApp app on another smartphone you will see all previous conversations.

Atenție! Asigură-te că pe noul dispozitiv sunt instalate WhatsApp și Google Drive.How to transfer WhatsApp messages from one phone to another

Step 3

When you open WhatsApp you will be displayed the message Terms an Conditions.Touch the Agree and Continue button, and then follow the instructions to confirm your phone number.WhatsApp will check Google Drive for an existing backup and normally will find your backup.

If you want to restore your new smartphone all the messages, photos and videos from WhatsApp conversations will need to reach the Restore button.The process of restoring the messages will take about two minutes, but if there are many photos and videos the restoration process will take longer.

Careful!If you reach the SKIP button you will install WhatsApp without making the account transfer from the old phone.

How can the WhatsApp account be transferred from one phone to another

If you do not have a state -of -the -art phone with Android there are other ways you can transfer the conversations from WhatsApp from the old to the new device.

The most handy variant is the memory card.You will have nothing else to do but do the backup operation on a memory card, and the moment you introduce it in the new automatic device will appear all your messages, pictures and videos.

You can also make the data transfer with a laptop/desktop.For this you will have to connect your old phone to the computer via a USB data cable.

Once the device is connected you will be able to access its internal memory.You will have to look for the folder called WhatsApp/Database where the backup is done, and from here you will copy a file called mgstore.db.crypt or similar (the name differs from one device to another).

Then you will install the WhatsApp app on your new smartphone.Connect the phone to the computer and copy on it the file I talked about.

Then start the app on your new smartphone, confirm your phone number and you will immediately receive a notification that will be announced that an available backup has been found.

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