How do you solve all the problems with Apple Watch: What do you do if you do not synchronize your data with iPhone

Time 28/09/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

În mare parte, dispozitivele Apple funcționează în parametri. Se comportă bine și rareori te dezamăgesc prin intermediul unor probleme de funcționalitate mai mici sau mai mari. Ca utilizator de iPhone sau Apple Watch, există însă și acele momente dificile și ar trebui să înveți cum să le remediezi.Cum rezolvi toate problemele cu Apple Watch: ce faci dacă nu îți sincronizează datele cu iPhone

Underly as long as you have an active Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection on your phone, your Apple smart watch should communicate wonderfully with your iPhone.Should synchronize your physical effort, schedules in the calendar, alarms and all messages.However, there are several situations where all the communications between the two devices fail.

To get rid of these inconvenience there are some radical solutions.But until you get to call them, make sure you have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections on your phone.Call Control Center or the iPhone Control Center with a Swipe down from the upper right corner of the phone.If you use an iPhone with Home button, make a swipe up from the lower edge of the screen.Make sure the symbols for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are blue in color.If you have followed these steps and still have problems with data synchronization or simply do not get the messages on the clock, you can start resetting a few parameters.From the phone menu, enter the My Watch app, at the General Section.At the end of the list of options, as in the screenshot above you should have a menu entitled reset.Enter there and opt for the last bottom option, reset the synchronization data.This means that, from the clock, it will delete your contacts and data from the calendar, along with any information received from the mobile in the past.After deletion, without any additional intervention from you, their return from iPhone will be tried to.

If you did this and, after a few minutes or tens of minutes, continue to encounter the same problems, resell your Apple Watch clock to factory parameters and mate it again.For this purpose, from the general menu in the My Watch app is reset and opt for the first option, delete content and configuration Apple Watch.