How do you find any missing driver from Windows

Time 29/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Indiferent cât de bine va fi pusă la punct următoarea versiune de Windows, întotdeauna va trebui să ştiţi cum să vă găsiţi un driver care lipseşte.Cum găsești orice driver care lipsește din Windows

The driver is a software component that allows the operating system to make the most of the functionality offered by a hardware component.Often, a device hidden behind the name of "generic device" or "Unknown Device" is often happening in the device manager.In such a situation, until you install the right driver, Windows does not use a sound card, a modem, video card, a network card, a capture card, a webcam or anything else.

În teorie, Microsoft are o bază de date cu drivere destul de bine pusă la punct care este actualizată în permanenţă. Din păcate, niciodată aceasta nu va fi perfectă sau completă. Perfectă nu va fi pentru că se întâmplă de multe ori, mai ales în cazul plăcilor video, ca driverele pe care Windows-ul să le preinstaleze pentru anumit GPU să nu vină la pachet cu o performanţă foarte mare. Cei mai mulţi dintre noi ne-am obişnuit să ne actualizăm în mod regulat driverul la placa video, dar în continuare suntem puşi în dilemă când în Device Manager, în dreptul unui dispozitiv apare un mare semn de exclamare. Pentru acele scenarii trebuie un pic mai multă atenţie şi să aveţi în vedere câteva particularităţi. Toate aceste elemente sunt detaliate mai jos.Cum găsești orice driver care lipsește din Windows

An unknown device in Device Manager

Dacă nu aveţi o fascinaţie pentru a intra în mod regulat în Device Manager, s-ar putea nici să nu vă vină foarte uşor să-l accesaţi. Cea mai rapidă cale pentru a vedea o listă exhaustivă cu toate componentele din sistemul vostru este să faceţi click dreapta pe My Computer pe Desktop, să accesaţi secţiunea Properties şi, din noua fereastră să faceţi click pe Device Manager. În Windows 8.1, puteţi face click dreapta pe butonul de Start şi să alegeţi Device Manager. De asemenea, dacă apăsaţi pe Windows + R şi introduceţi în fereastra de Run comanda devmgmt.msc urmată de Enter ajungeţi exact în acelaşi loc.Cum găsești orice driver care lipsește din Windows

Most of the time, in the list, the devices with problem devices will be highlighted by an exclamation sign in a yellow triangle.They will often hide behind the name of Unknown Device, but they can also have a more descriptive name, such as the standard VGA or Generic Bluetooth.Regarding the automatic algorithm present in Windows through which it installs generic drivers, it is worth knowing that it is not perfect, and the video card is the best example of this reality.Basically, even if you do not have a driver from Nvidia, AMD or Intel for your graphic chip, you will have a signal on the monitor and the image on the screen will be displayed at high resolution.Instead, you will not have graphic acceleration.

How do you know what driver is missing?

Although you easily identify in Device Manager a hardware component with problems, it is not as easy to find out the real name of the rear device.For this stage, you have to right -click on it and a second click on Properties.If there is no no driver installed on the first page will be served the error code 28. Multiple other codes can have a completely different meaning.An exclamation mark can also mean a physical problem with a component, and from the Properties window you will clarify who is to blame.

Pe pagina de detalii aveţi o listă foarte stufoasă de caracteristici. Pe noi ne interesează Hardware ID. După ce l-aţi selectat şi în câmpul value va fi afişat un cod similar cu cel de mai sus, trebuie să faceţi click dreapta pe el şi să alegeţi Copy Value. Şirul respectiv de caractere, deşi ar putea părea dubios la prima vedere, este specific doar unui anumit dispozitiv.Cum găsești orice driver care lipsește din Windows

In the next stage you have to look for that online code through your favorite search engine.Among the first results will be displayed the real name of the device.In my case, it was Intel Centrino Wireless Bluetooth 3.0.From this point, the task has been simplified significantly.You just have to look for the right driver for your operating system.You can do this activity either on the website of the manufacturer of your notebook, if applicable, or on the web page of the hardware component manufacturer.In my case, with a Sony Vaio laptop, I accessed the Japanese support page for my system model, but I could be as effective on

Installation of the new driver

Nowadays, most of the drivers come integrated into an installation assistant.If this is your case, then you have no job with Device Manager, possibly, just to check, after restarting the operating system, if everything is fine and the driver has been successfully installed.

If you need to call the manual procedure for updating a driver, right -click on the Device Manager component name to be installed and access the Update Driver menu.Because Windows has already failed to install the right driver, choose at the first step, instead of the automatic, manual one, in which you will be offered the opportunity to choose the device name.If the freshly downloaded driver on the Internet is in a hard drive directory, click on Have Disk and choose the location, confirming the choice with a click on OK.

Give Windows and a chance

In many situations, Microsoft may have a driver for your device to get rid of some Google searches and failed experiments.However, it is not excluded that the search function of a driver on the giant servers in Redmond will be disabled.

To check the situation, right -click on My Computer and choose Properties.From the new window, in the upper left corner, make another click on Advanced System Settings.On the page entitled Hardware, select Device Installation Settings.Here you will be greeted by several possibilities.The recommended version is to allow Windows to deal entirely with the drivers management you use on the system.My suggestion is to first check "No, let me choose what to do" and, secondly, choose "Install Driver Drifr Fatware from Windows Update, IF it is not found on my computer."After you have followed these steps, go to Device Manager again, right -click on a device, update Driver and opt for Automaticly for Updated Driver.

It's important to have the correct driver

Although there are a lot of ways you can reach the driver you need for a problem device, it is important to make an effort in this direction.Whether you opt for a help from Microsoft or dig a few minutes on the Internet, it would be preferable to have no exclamation signs in Device Manager.In addition, following these steps is the first stage towards obtaining a sprinten operating system that does not serve you error messages and a blue screen when you expect less.