How do you prepare your phone, tablet or laptop for a successful sale?

Time 04/08/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

În speranţa realizării unui upgrade la un gadget mai performant, e foarte important să ştiţi cum vă pregătiţi telefonul, tableta sau laptopul pentru vânzare.Cum vă pregătiţi telefonul, tableta sau laptopul pentru o vânzare reuşită?

Over the years I have learned that passion for gadgets does not heal.New phones, tablets or new laptops appear and, whether your policy is to change them every year or every two, three years, the starting point is the sale of your old appliances..Often you will not get a lot of money on them, but it is certainly more profitable to sell them than to accumulate dust through a drawer.It doesn't even matter if they are impeccable or like us, it is important to reach the Internet and have little patience, as I said.IT.Caragiale.

At the same time, if you have decided to throw yourself at such a gesture, you must consider a few more stages.Especially when it comes to phones, tablets or laptops, gadgets that have hosted your private data, whether it is images, holiday movies or documents.You must not forget the creating of all the information of all information, as well as their deletion.Also, you must be careful if you do not use applications with a special diet that are authorized to operate only on certain devices in the possession of which you will not be soon.Below I will detail all the steps you need to follow to prepare your phone, tablet or laptop for a successful sale.

Backup before a sale

Poate sună banal sau evident, dar este incredibil cât de uşor poţi uita că de mâine s-ar putea să nu mai ai acelaşi laptop, tabletă sau telefon. Să le luăm totuşi pe rând. În cazul unui iDevice, indiferent dacă este iPad sau iPhone, cea mai mare parte a informaţiilor voastre se stochează în iCloud. Nu acelaşi principiu se aplică însă în totalitate la fotografii. Deşi există ideea de Photo Stream sau Flux Foto, în contextul în care pe cloud sunteţi limitaţi la 5GB, dacă nu aţi fost dispuşi să plătiţi pentru spaţiu suplimentar, este foarte uşor să depăşiţi acei câţiva GB de spaţiu. Ca urmare, conectaţi-vă telefonul sau tableta un computer, aşteptaţi câteva secunde să fie recunoscut şi copiaţi-vă prin My Computer fotografiile şi filmele realizate cu el. În cazul în care nu ştiţi exact ce se stochează sau nu pe iCloud, puteţi în orice moment să faceţi preventiv un backup prin intermediul iTunes.Cum vă pregătiţi telefonul, tableta sau laptopul pentru o vânzare reuşită?

If you upgrade to another iPhone or iPad, it is really advisable.On the edge of the backups of IDEVICES I did some time ago a tutorial that details all the possible scenarios: everything you need to know about backup on iPhone and iPad.In the case of Android devices, the situation is a similar one.Much of your information is stored on Google servers, only photos have a special status and you have to activate manually, if you want, their automatic copy drive.If you are not a follower of the cloud, you can copy them to a computer, without any additional software, just by connecting your phone or tablet to your PC.For additional questions, there is a material entitled Playtech suggests: all about backup at Android.

When it comes to selling your personal computer, there are two possibilities: either handly copied all important files or make complete images with all the contents of the hard disk.The latter is a solution that is especially appropriate for situations where you want the next PC that you buy have exactly the same installed applications.To create an image with the entire operating system, you can call the utility included in the operating system: Backup and Restore you can find in Control Panel.It is worth keeping in mind that such an image should not be completely restored.Inside it you can only extract the files you need when you need.If you have become accustomed to using a cloud storage service, like Dropbox, Bitcasa or OneDrive, it is enough to install the homonym utility on the new system and the files stored there will be instantly accessible.

Otherwise, if you are organized and you have become accustomed to all your private data to be storage on a second partition than the system, copy all its content on an external hard disk, on a nose.Preventively, it would be good to check my Document and Desktop directors on C: C:.Amateurs of smart storage solutions can create a private cloud in the local network by following the tips from another tutorial: how do you access the files anytime, from anywhere: the storage solutions or how you create a personal cloud.

Games and applications authorized at the hardware level

If you used to buy applications and games from various virtual stores, you would be tempted to believe that you will never have problems with them.In reality, however, these are a source of stress, especially if you use more PCs and you used to regularly upgrade.

The best example is iTunes.If you buy applications, games, music and movies through Apple's application, both to render that multimedia content and synchronize it on a PC, you must authorize your system.This operation is very simple.It is enough to access the menu in the upper left corner of the application, the iTunes Store section, click on Authorize this Computer and authenticate with your username and password.The problem arises when you reached the maximum limit of five authorized systems.Therefore, preferably, before passing a laptop or desktop with iTunes, it would be best to destroy it from the same iTunes Store-Deauthorize this Computer menu..In theory, you can teach all the computers authorized by iTunes by a single button in iTunes.In practice, you are allowed to make this gesture only once a year.

If you play certain older games that come with security protection, those comes with the same limitation as iTunes.Can be installed and activated on a limited number of hardware configurations.For this reason, it would be good to have your system before you sell it if you do not want to wake up that you can not play a title where you have some time ago have invested a significant amount of money.You may also solve such a problem by means of a phone at the game's publishing, but there are no 100% chance that the person at the end of the phone will offer you an additional authorization solution.

Steam, cel mai popular magazin virtual de jocuri la ora actuală, nu merge pe bază de autorizări. În schimb, este posibil ca unele jocuri achiziţionate prin Steam să vă facă astfel de probleme, particularitate care nu trebuie neglijată.Cum vă pregătiţi telefonul, tableta sau laptopul pentru o vânzare reuşită?

Delete all before a sale

On the system burn the crops, poison the wells, never sell a tablet, smartphone or laptop with personal data on it.Depending on the client, you may regret that decision later.Think only of a trivial scenario.You have a habit of opting to save your passwords in Chrome and you have sold a laptop with your paypal password saved in the browser.It is sufficient for someone to enter any virtual store with paypal payment option and those, surprisingly authentication fields will be completed alone.The consequences are obvious.If you use a classic hard drive on your personal system, your data can be recovered even after reforming that HDD.

It would be best, before a resale, with a CD or USB stick with Windows, delete the partitions on that hard disk, create new ones and, if the one who buys it is a friend or relative to you, reinstall the systemOperation.If you have worked for a long time with sensitive data, it would be best to use a dedicated utility, such as DBAN, to override each sector on HDD with 0.If you use an SSD for data storage, thanks to the TRIM command, integrated at the hardware level, you should not worry that someone could recover your information, because their deletion is permanent.

Cei care au făcut trecerea la Windows 8 se vor bucura să afle că în meniul avansat de pornire al PC-ului sau cel de resetar la parametrii din fabrică aveţi o opţiune intitulată Fully clean the drive. Aceasta este echivalentul unei ştergeri permanente a datelor sau Wipe.Cum vă pregătiţi telefonul, tableta sau laptopul pentru o vânzare reuşită?

Returning devices to factory parameters

All recent laptops, since they started to come with optical units, integrate data recovery partitions.These can be accessed on the system on starting by pressing one of the functional keys or by means of a dedicated button above the usual keys.It is not excluded that the same menu can be accessed by pressing for 5 or 7 seconds, with the closed system, the starting button/power.In the case of Windows 8 systems, on the general page of PC Settings there is an automatic PC restoration function.This is hiding behind the title “Remove Everything and reinstall Windows."In the same context, the option by Fully Clean the Drive will be offered.

Restoration in case of a phone or tablet is done much easier. Dacă aveţi un gadget cu Android, din meniul Settings, accesaţi pagina de Backup & Restore.Through a tap on factory data reset, after you have confirmed the option and waited for a few minutes, in terms of software, tablet or phone will be like new.On an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, a similar function is hidden behind the title of Content and Settings or delete the content and all configurations.You can find this feature in Settings - General - Reset.Also, after you have confirmed the choice, you must wait a few minutes to perform the task.

Details for a fast -selling ad

When you put a gadget on the Internet, no matter what the type is and how well it looks, there are ten or a hundred exactly the same.The difference is in the title and words of the announcement, but especially in the pack you sell.Whether it is a phone, a tablet or laptop, it is sold differently if you have the so -called "full pack". Dacă v-aţi făcut un obicei din a vă vinde gadgeturile pe OITX, Okazii sau, make a habit of keeping boxes, invoices, guarantees and various covers.

In the case of phones, it matters enormously for many possible buyers, the charging cable and original headphones.In fact, any original accessories represent an important plus that you can boast in the text of the ad.If you lost the original charger or you never had the cable from the headphones, look for other headphones and a compatible charger to include in the package.Foils on the screen and covers are another bonus.You cannot perceive an added financial value for them, but it may be exactly the aspect that makes the difference between your ad and a few that are similar.

As for the actual announcement, use two or three real photos to increase credibility and give as much details as possible.If the product has an aesthetic defect, a scratch or any other problem, try as much as possible to surprise it in a dedicated photo and detail in the text, if you know, its cause.Don't be afraid to be honest and use as many words as possible in the description.You will have to win. ITafinal, dacă orice altceva eşuează şi aveţi un anunţ online de câteva săptămâni, micşoraţi un pic preţul, nu prea mult însă, deoarece s-ar putea percepe că e o problemă gravă cu aparatul şi vreţi să scăpaţi rapid de el.To generate even more confidence, insist a bit and on a possible face -to -face sale.The gesture could be perceived as a proof that you have nothing to hide.

All these features we have detailed above may seem superflu.In reality, however, you never know who is at the other end of the keyboard, what fixations it has or what seems most important to it.Ultimately it costs nothing to spend a few extra minutes for a carefully created ad.This, of course, just if you really want to sell what you posted.