Your WhatsApp account in danger: The company has already deleted 3 million accounts

Time 17/09/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

WhatsApp started for some time to have more problems than you would think.Became a significant source of misinformation, fraud attempts and not only.To solve the disastrous situation, radical measures are required.

No less than three million WhatsApp accounts have been deleted in the last and a half month.Most of them belonged to users in India but the reason behind the decision targets us all.The number was confirmed by WhatsApp officials in the most recent "Concordance report", in accordance with the American Authorities Regulation, IT Rules 2021.

WhatsApp can delete accounts without any intervention from you

Whatsapp recently announced that between June 16 and July 31, 2021 he deleted 3.027.000 accounts of some users in India.To conclude that they are from India, the creators of the platform have taken into account that the prefix of those accounts begins with +91.

Contul tău de WhatsApp, în pericol: compania a șters deja 3 milioane de conturi

"Over the years, the platform has constantly invested in artificial intelligence and other top technologies, data analysis and researchers in various processes to keep their users safe on the platform..”, Explained a spokesman.

It is important to note that users can appeal to the giant decision but too few do.Of the three million accounts, only 594 users have appealed to disable account by various means.Of these, only 74 decisions were returned, and the accounts were restored, out of over three million.

The main reason why the accounts are deleted is related to the reporting by other users.Most of them were a significant source of spam or misinformation.Basically, they were abusing the functionality of the service to stress other users.Because all conversations are encrypted, and WhatsApp cannot see the content of the messages, it depends very much on other signals to identify more or less serious problems.In addition to the reports of other users, take the accounts that are used to distributing many messages, without writing anything from scratch.

In addition to the situation in India, globally, WhatsApp shuts about 8 million accounts each month to prevent abuse of service.