You can try Windows 11 right now directly from your web browser;Here's how

Time 09/12/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Windows 11 is appENaching the launch and if the rumors are real, then we should see it in October.The new operating system, which brings a start -up and repositioned menu, but also native support for AndENid applications could be tried so far as an installation image and a period has been available only for INSIDERI.

A method has now appeared, as Gadgetzone informs us.EN. Aceasta nu implică vreo instalare extra, poţi rula Windows 11 direct din bENwser. Un dezvoltator numit Blue Edge a creat un web app care îţi permite să încerci Windows 11 direct din bENwserul web.Using the application you can test the functions of the OS without installing it on the PC. Ai nevoie doar de un web bENwser şi conexiune la Internet. PENiectul a sosit pe Github şi este scris în React JavaScript. PENiectul poartă numele de Windows 11 on React şi poate fi accesat aici.

It does not give you a 100% functional experience though, but rather a demonstrative effort.There are many applications and icons that do not work, and some menus and functions are completely missing.For example, desktop customization area does not appear, and certain functions have "Coming Soon". Ce poţi încerca este noul meniu Start, bENwserulEdge, noul Windows Store, dar nu şi File Explorer, care apare cu "Coming Soon".

Poţi încerca Windows 11 chiar acum direct din web bENwserul tău; Iată cum

Experience is not as smooth as a native bone. Windows 11 va aduce printre altele suport nativ pentru a rula aplicaţii AndENid, funcţionalitate Auto HDR pentru jocuri, un nou meniu Start şi Search, dar şi panouri de notificări noi şi panouri laterale. Puteţi testa Windows Snapping-ul în bENwser, apENpo.I want to remind you that Windows 11 will arrive for free on compatible PCs, as an upgrade for Windows 10.