What is signal and why would you use the application

Time 15/09/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

We will still find out why you may be considering the transition to the signal.

Signal is available for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac and Linux.To use it you only need a phone number.The application is free.

The experience of using Signal is similar to that of WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger etc.The best known options available in the application are:

Signal nu este deţinută de o mare companie de tehnologie, este dezvoltată de o fundaţie non-profit şi este finanţată prin donaţii. Proprietarii Signal sunt Matthew Rosenfeld şi Brian Acton. Signal nu cere multe date despre tine şi nu afişează reclame. Deşi are o interfaţă familiară, partea din spate este foarte diferită. Conversaţiile din Signal sunt criptate end-to-end, ceea ce înseamnă că nici măcar proprietarii Signal nu le pot monitoriza. Numai persoanele din conversaţie pot citi mesajele. ”Criptarea de la un capăt la celălalt (end-to-end) protejează datele astfel încât să poată fi citite numai la cele două capete, de către expeditor şi de către destinatar. Nimeni altcineva nu poate citi datele criptate: hackerii, guvernele sau serverul prin care trec datele”. Mai multe detalii despre criptarea end-to-end, AICI.

Signal is a fully open-source app (with open source).The source code for client applications and project server software are available on Github.This means that any person with (advanced) programming skills can read the source code, understand how the application works and what he does.The benefits of an open-source application are that it can be inspected, modified and improved at the suggestion of all.

Ce e Signal şi de ce ai folosi aplicaţia

However, why is Signal Different?The application has its own encryption protocol, created especially for it.In reality, WhatsApp also uses the same encryption protocol, because Brian Acton is one of the WhatsApp co -founders.

By comparison, Facebook has access to everything you transmit through Facebook Messenger.

Of course, there are other messaging applications that offer encrypted messages as an optional function.But with Signal everything is encrypted, always and implicit.

Signal also offers other confidentiality functions, including messages that disappear after a period of time.You set the period, the variants are between 5 seconds and a week.The time by which messages are automatically deleted manually set for each conversation.

There is also in the application an option that asks the keyboard to stop personalized learning and "smart" suggestions.The option in the application settings is called Incognito Keyboard in English and Incognito keyboard in Romanian.

Even if Signal is obliged to reveal what he knows about you to the authorities, the company knows almost nothing about your activity in the application.Signal could only reveal the account number of the account, the date of the last connection and the date of the account creation.Everything you transmitted through the Signal application - messages, images, files, etc. - is stored locally on the phone.

Instead, Facebook could reveal your full name, everything you sent through Facebook Messenger, a list of places, GPS coordinates, from which you accessed your account etc.

There are two events that have made the Signal application very popular in a short time:

  1. Atacul asupra Capitolului l-a făcut pe Elon Musk, unul dintre cei mai bogaţi oameni din lume să critice Facebook şi să recomande Signal.
  2. WhatsApp şi-a anunţat utilizatorii că partajează unele dintre date cu compania-mamă, Facebook.

In recent days, due to the large number of new users, the application worked with weight at certain times: creating a new account lasted longer than usually and the same thing happened with the delivery of messages.