What Adela Popescu happens to speak the world.Shurubel revealed what he does

Time 26/09/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Shurubel gave out the house and told everyone what Adela Popescu happens to 'speak the world'.What happens in the show?Many of the fans of the presenter were expecting such behavior from her.Those who know her know this about the actress.

Shurubel from Vobea The world gave the house: What does Adela Popescu do during the filming?

Shurubel comes with a secret to some of the viewers who may not know Adela Popescu so well.The colleague of the plateau of the two in the gang claims that Radu Vâlcan's wife eats anything and drinks from all cups with water.

The actress's fans know about her that she is a gourmet and she doesn't care to do exactly how she desires even when she's on the set.Many know Shurubel from the radio, but here's a good Monday started a television career with the former colleague.

Ce pățește Adela Popescu la Vorbește Lumea. Shurubel a dezvăluit ce îi face

Andrei Lăcătuș is his name in the bulletin but everyone knows him after the nickname.The moderator revealed how he received the name and what challenges he has encountered so far in the new scenario in front of the cameras, not in front of the microphone.

Who did this nickname get from?

The nickname was given by the former high school sports teacher and is related to the shape of his body.

Entered television after 10 years of radio

Many would be reluctant to such a change, but he decided that after 10 years to walk on another road.He claims that a big and extremely different challenge to the past is the helmet through which I receive real time information from colleagues.

He encountered weights at least at the beginning when he received directions from the general producer during the broadcast.

What about the colleague of the plateau

Asked about how he understands with Adela Popescu, the former radio man said he has a wonderful colleague who has only one defect - he eats whatever he finds and drinks from all the water.