Portrait of the journalist preferred by the mogul / case study: Cosmin Prelipceanu

Time 09/01/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Moderator Cosmin Prelipceanu noted, on Wednesday evening, in an interview with Dacian Cioloș through a series of questions formulated insistently in such a way that he is preparing for gold governance, although the interlocutor Nega, or that the USR Plus leaders are guilty ofThe political crisis, although Prime Minister Cîțu unilaterally dismissed the Minister of Justice.

At each attempt to explain the situation, Cioloș was interrupted with questions meant to strengthen the above theses: gold, USR plus guilty that he did not negotiate and prevented the crisis.Ask Prime Minister Cîțu why he didn't negotiate before he dismissed Stelian Ion, Cioloș replied to the moderator, who sent him briefly: now we talk to you..

In other words, Cioloș was obliged to explain why he did not do everything to prevent the triggering of a political crisis that was not, this time, responsible USR Plus."Do you do this if you return to government, when will you get any problems you take your toys and leave?", Subested Prelipceanu in the dialogue with a Cioloș brought to the threshold of exasperation.

The meaningful, justified aggression is the attribute of any journalist who respects himself.Imputable here are the bad faith, the coarse mystification of reality, the manipulation from the questions.

The audience was rightly outraged.Such journalistic moments are common in Antena 3 or Romania TV studios, much rarer on Digi24.Political executions, free aggression, the transformation of white into black do not seem specific to the post.Television has rather made a reputation from avoiding, censuring or offering a tribune to politicians treated with gloves, exempt from uncomfortable questions.

Do you remember the episode Firea - Prelipceanu - CTP?In October 2019, moderator Cosmin Prelipceanu sparked indignation again, but this time he did "figuration" during an interview with Gabriela Firea, at that time the mayor of the capital.

Portretul ziaristului preferat de mogul / Studiu de caz: Cosmin Prelipceanu

An extreme servant's attitude, of which his colleagues from Digi24 have been open to.The journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu had a harsh tax at that time for the interview on his knees, noting that when "he asked one of those I do not know if more than 5 questions, Mr. Prelipceanu had an preventing tone, excuse, not to mention humble.".

"Painful show from a moral and professional point of view for a veteran like me.Another or two of these, and we only meet the Republic and Facebook, Dear Digi24 viewers ”, threat of CTP.Painful shows have been, as we will see, CTP remained and silent.

Not beyond April of this year, the same Cosmin Prelipceanu executed leap forward at the command of the employer, attacking the bayonet on Clotilde Armand because he intended to take off the cables on the pillars.Prelipceanu announced alarmist that "Sector 1 could remain without the Internet" and drew attention to the damages caused to the company.According to the media page, the post presented the situation as "the wish of Mayor Clotilde Armand", without saying that the law obliged operators to move their cables underground.For this skid, the CNA sanctioned Digi24 with public unemployment.

All these gross manipulations are executed with cold blood by a serious journalist, with remarkable actor talents made to interpret the newspaper job.The straps, the verteer and the forever wonder behind the glasses compose the image of a journalist always in the truth.

You would not say that such a professional wrapped occurrence is in a state of such professional jest.Unbelievable that this decent, seemingly polite and kind television moderator may manifest so much disrespect to the interlocutor and his audience..

For the TV mogul, the duplicity represents a great quality, not a irreparable defect..The ability to turn to order from a reasonable ins to the last press-of-press or bodier laundry is why this type of versatile and malleable journalist was the favorite of the mogul.Not for nothing Cosmin Prelipceanu remained, for years after leaving Realitatea TV, the soul child of Sorin Ovidiu Vântu, one of the most famous criminals in the Gallery of Television Mogul.

The public forgets quickly, and the young audience does not know, for example, that moments as described at the beginning of the article succeeded almost daily at the time when Cosmin Prelipceanu was the employee of Sorin Ovidiu Vântu on Realitatea TV (2007 - 2010) and the Mogul Orchestra Vaste Campaignsdiscredit of state institutions.

However, most television makers, who interpret more or less talented, the role of TV moderator are in the portrait above..Have different names but behave about the same.They are, all of them, the souls of the mogul, for their talent polished in time to bite or glorify to order.At key moments, barks or guddles, attacks the power or opposition, as the master's interest requires.For this reason they are not only mere moderators but occupy important positions in the local media landscape: chief editors, editorial directors, lead television.

Totally different from them are the armies of field journalists, reporters engaged in the same television.Most of them, regardless of the TV station they work, run after information, ask the correct questions and honestly do their job to inform the public as accurately as possible..

Instead, I find nothing more appropriate than a small detail about Cosmin Prelipceanu from a small PR article: he enrolled in the doctoral school at the University of Theater and Cinematographic Art.IT.Caragiale ”from Bucharest, the specialization of cinema and media.The doctoral thesis that works from 2019 is called the research of the post-truth campaigns and false news.

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