The film of the tragedy that became three villages in Neamț.Young people drowned in Siret were trying to save their friends

Time 01/08/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback
ACASĂ»Eveniment»Filmul tragediei care a îndoliat trei sate din Neamț. Tinerii care s-au înecat în Siret încercau să-și salveze prieteniiVideo

By Laurenciiu Rădulescula 02.08.2021, 14:28

Terrible drama in a locality in Bacău.Five teenagers died drowned in the Siret river after, according to witnesses, they tried to save friends who were about to drown.But they were taken by currents.

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We are talking about a tragedy that became three villages in a commune in Neamț County.Eight young people climbed the bike yesterday and went to bathe on the banks of the Siret river, about 10 - 15 km away from the house.


Filmul tragediei care a îndoliat trei sate din Neamț. Tinerii care s-au înecat în Siret încercau să-și salveze prietenii

Some of them managed to go out on time, but five young people were swallowed by the water, trying to save their friends who had slipped off the shore.Authorities did everything in their power to save them.The locals are shocked.They recognized that all these children used to go to Siret to bathe but never thought that one tragedy is possible.

The families of the teenagers, but also the witnesses waited for hours on the banks of Siret a sign from the rescuers.Several crews of firefighters, doctors and divers from Neamt and Bacău arrived urgently in the village of Băcăuană Filipeşti, where the young people had come to bathe.Eight entered the water.Only three have come out.

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All teenagers were from Neamt County and would not have known the area where they went to bathe.Two of them were 14 years old, another 17 years, and the other 18 years.After several hours of searching, divers began to remove, one after the other, the bodies to the surface.

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