Study: 19% of electrified car owners returned to a thermal motor vehicle

Time 20/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

More and more car manufacturers embrace the electrification, but the University of California wanted to see how the owners are reconciled or equipped with Plug-in Hybrid propulsion system.

This is why two teachers conducted a study on this topic between 2012 and 2018.

4,167 families were interviewed in the study.Of these, only 1,842 decided whether or not they will hold an electric car.

The study also showed that 18% of electric car owners decided to return to a vehicle propelled by a thermal engine.On the other side, 20% of those who owned a plug-in hybrid car gave up in favor of one equipped with only "classic" engine.

STUDIU: 19% dintre proprietarii de mașini electrificate s-au întors la un vehicul cu motor termic

The main reason invoked was the lack of appropriate infrastructure.70% of those who gave up the electric car did not have access to a Type 2 charging station.

It should be mentioned that in the last three years, the authorities have been more involved in the development of the infrastructure necessary to charge the electric cars.

Altfel spus, dacă studiul ar fi fost realizat în perioada 2018 - 2021, cu siguranță rezultatele erau altele.
