Review Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - an interdimensional rocket & clan trip

Time 13/08/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Playstation has by far the most exclusions in the video game industry, and titles like God of War and Uncharted are already similar to the consoles launched by Japanese.. Însă o serie mai puțin populară, deși cel puțin la fel de interesantă este Ratchet & Clank.With a more playful tone and stories that are not necessarily seriously, the games in this series have been noted for the very interactive gameplay and the design that is an explosion of colors.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart este cel mai nou joc din serie și prima exclusivitate de PlayStation 5 dintr-o serie cu vechime.And to sweeten this launch even more, the game developers are the Insomniac Games, ie the original creators.They come back after a period when the series was placed on Hold, and after the excellent Spider-Man titles, I really think it was time to return to the public's attention.

Was once like never, in a parallel universe

Rift Apart tells an interesting story, in which a weapon that can open portals to other dimensions fall into the wrong hands and throw you into an adventure that stretches on multiple planets.Throughout the game you will enter Ratchet's skin, but the narrative thread follows the adventures of another Lombax, as well as those of Clank.The three heroes form a very interesting team, and the main missions are divided into two directions: the missions you will play as a ratchet, along with those where you will control Rivet.The common opponent is Dr. Nefarious whose purpose is to eliminate all organic forms of the universe.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart este un joc ușor de înțeles atât de către veteranii seriei, cât și de nou-veniții care experimentează pentru prima dată aceste jocuri.The characters are very varied, and the fans of the series will appreciate the return of certain known names.And if you have not played any title in the series before, you will quickly get acquainted with the way the story is spreading.

The game is sprinkled with funny dialogues and very cheap jokes that are said in a manner that makes them sound good. Cu un simț al umorului bine dezvoltat și talentul de a spune o poveste care să te ducă cu gândul la filme precum Despicable Me, noul Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart va fi atât pe gustul juniorilor de acum, dar și al juniorului din noi care descoperea seria în 2002, odată cu lansarea inițială pe PlayStation 2.A dose of nostalgia and a very pleasant return to a time when the games were simple, funny and managed to keep you interested without becoming tiring.And in the year 2021, this feels like a mouthful of fresh air.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart oferă un gameplay foarte satisfăcător

I missed a game with simple RPG elements and a satisfactory progression of the characters.I'm not saying, I always appreciate a complex RPG where you have to work hard to unlock the hottest weapons and skills, but sometimes I feel the need to sit in the armchair, take a controller in my hand and play something easy to digest through whichto pass relatively easy and to understand from the first gameplay session.

Review Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart – O călătorie interdimensională cu Rachetă & Clanță

Odată ce începi jocul, îți ia maxim 15 minute să te adaptezi la schema de control și chiar dacă are momente în care pare cam din topor, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart se simte extrem de fluid.The exploration of the world is also very satisfying, especially when you see the beautiful landscapes.And the best part is that you get a lot of interesting skills from the beginning of the game, so you won't feel like you have to bend to diversify the way you play.

However, the struggles are the most interesting in this game, and the arsenal of weapons you have is impressive.Pistol, Shotgun, machine guns, lasers or Melee weapon you can use as Boomerang.And if the variety of weapons is impressive, their progression is even more interesting.Each weapon has a percentage that you improve by upgrades and once reached 100%, you will make the most of the unique features they offer.For example, the plasma gun you receive from the beginning becomes a very lethal weapon once you have completed its progression, turning into a machine gun with which you can spam (hundred) bullets in the direction of enemies.

Nici movementul nu este rău deloc, iar Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart îți permite să fii foarte dinamic.This is very good in fighting, where the dodge maneuvers are very important when you get surrounded by several enemies and you want to get rid of your life or looking for bullets.And for added difficulty, the game does not provide you with many resources, so you will feel the need to become more defensive, especially on greater difficulty..

Remove butter from PlayStation 5

Știți cum se lăuda Sony cu capabilitățile de Ray Tracing și 4K60FPS ale noii console? Ei bine, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart scoate ce este mai bun din aceasta și reușește să ofere un balans foarte bun între performanță și fidelitatea grafică.Personally I played in the Fidelity mode because I could not miss the very well created lighting and the beautiful reflections that make the clank look more realistic than ever.The reflections of the Neoane in the city on the metal baldness of the little robot will convince you that it is not worth playing on performance mode to enjoy what has best to offer rift apart.

Nu știu dacă este grafica extrem de curată sau tranzițiile din cinematice în gameplay extrem de fluide, dar noul Ratchet & Clank reușește să se simtă extrem de bine și scoate în evidență caracteristica de „no loading screens” cu care se lăudau japonezii în cadrul evenimentelor de prezentare ale lui PlayStation 5.Optimization is also good and even if Fidelity mode would normally give you 4K resolution at 30fps, I have the impression that the insomniac have underestimated the power of the console, because it feels anyway, not only at only 30 frames per second, andOchiometric seems to go with 60fps most of the time with rare slowings when you get to an area with many elements on the screen that reflect each other.

The auditory part of the game is also well made, and the voices sound clean and match the character of the characters, and the lipsync is only good, even if the characters are some vulpo-bears-hamsters. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart va ieși în evidență prin coloritul său foarte vibrant și peisajele superbe, iar tranzițiile între planete prin intermediul portalurilor interdimensionale îți oferă o diversitate atât de mare încât nu te vei sătura de lumea jocului.

I would have liked to see an implementation focused on the features entered by Dualsense.Insomniac missed the opportunity to make the most of the new controller, but some items are still found.Vibrations are well made and I can swear that I recognize the weapon with which I shoot without looking at the screen only by the way the controller buzzes.And the speaker integrated in it was put to work to play certain sounds in the game.

The first great exclusivity

PlayStation 5 is still fresh on the market, and many people have not put their hands on the new console.But this is not necessarily a bad thing, especially since the game selection will be high when stocks will return to normal. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart este un must-have pentru cei care au apucat să pună mâna pe un PS5 și un titlu demn de pus pe wishlist-ul oricărui gamer serios.Provides a very balanced mix of gameplay, interesting story that does not charge your mind with unnecessary details and a relaxed approach.And I have to admit that I needed a game like this, especially after so many boring days, a biomutant who delivered much less than initially promised and a handful of games that I don't even remember now.

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart va fi cu siguranță unul dintre pretendenții la titlul de Game of the Year și îmi pare bine că voi avea ocazia să includ un astfel de joc pe lista aceea, spre finalul anului când vom avea în librăriile de jocuri și coloși precum Dying Light 2, Far Cry 6 și poate, cu ceva noroc, noul Halo Infinite. Până atunci, spuneți-mi în comentarii care a fost titlul vostru preferat din seria Ratchet & Clank și dacă credeți că merită să vă cumpărați un PlayStation 5 doar pentru a juca cel mai nou titlu.


Poveste - 9
Gameplay - 9
Grafică și Sunet - 10


Pretendent GOTY

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart este primul joc dintr-o serie mare de exclusivități care este lansat pe PlayStation 5 și reprezintă un început.The start of maturation for the Next-gen console that will be with us a few years from now and I am sure we will receive all kinds of masterpieces in the coming years..

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