Moscow, irritated by a statement by Bogdan Aurescu on the Russian threat

Time 15/08/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Moscow was irritated by a statement by Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu regarding the threat of Russia to the Black Sea.An official from Moscow has asked the United States and its allies not to use the Black Sea as a "influence".

The Romanian Foreign Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, had been worried about the "threatening conduct of Russian forces in the vicinity of Ukraine and the Black Sea", at the meeting with his Polish counterpart, in Bucharest..

Andrei Kartapolov, the chairman of the State Duma Defense Commission, reacted to Bogdan Aurescu's statement and evoked, in turn, the intense activity of NATO countries in the Black Sea region, including Member States that are not the Black Sea, reportsTASS and Interfax press agencies, quoted by Agerpres.Dozens of war vessels of NATO member countries were present only this year in the Black Sea, said Andrei Kartapolov, who says many of these vessels belonged to countries that are not the Black Sea."By carefully examining the statements of the Romanian Foreign Minister, we would like the US and their allies to respond by Bogdan Aurescu about the presence in the Black Sea of the ships that are not river, considering that the Romanian MAE himself saysThat we should not "allow third -party actors to use the Black Sea as an instrument of influence and destabilization '," Kartapolov said.The head of Romanian diplomacy said that "it is essential to approach the eastern flank in its entirety, to increase the allied military presence in the region and not to allow third actors to use the Black Sea as an instrument of influence and destabilization".In the same statement, Bodgan Aurescu stated that Romania and Poland are "concerned about the threatening runs in the vicinity of Ukraine and the Black Sea".

Moscova, iritată de o declarație a lui Bogdan Aurescu privind amenințarea rusească