iPhone XS: more RAM and bigger battery

Time 10/09/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

iPhone XS andiPhone X.S Plus reach the attention of the whole world again today after an Asian analyst claims that Apple will make two major changes for the phones to replaceiPhone X. in the offer of Cupertino.I have already told you that theiPhone X. will be taken out of sale by Apple, intending to offeriPhone X.S andiPhone X.S plus as a replacement for it without reducing the price of the current premium model in the offer.

iPhone XS is going to have a 5 diagonal screen.8 inches, just likeiPhone X., but in the case ofiPhone X.S Plus we are talking about integrating a 6 diagonal screen.4 - 6.5 inches by Apple company.TheiPhone X.S Plus is about to have the size of an iPhone 8 Plus, but its screen is to cover the front panel of the housing, so we are talking about a major change that Apple intends to offer in 2018.

iPhone XS is to be offered in 2018 by Apple and with an increase for the amount of RAM, so we will have 4 GB available instead of 3 GB, as it offers Apple at this time.I told you countless times thatiPhone X. does not have enough RAM to provide the perfect experience that a 1100 euro phone should have, and Apple will integrate into theiPhone X.S 4 GB RAM to amake it happen.

iPhone XS will have more branch and bigger battery

iPhone XS: Mai Mult RAM si Baterie mai MARE

iPhone XS with 4 GB RAM will be able to keep open in background any applications we need and can process any kind of tasks, in contrast to what is happening on theiPhone X. now.You have seen in countless comparative video clips that the performances offered by theiPhone X. are inferior to those of Android phones because it does not have enough available memory, and Apple knows that.

“According to Kuo, The Second-GenerationiPhone X. and A Larger 6.5-inch version we're calling iPhone x plus will each have an increased 4gb of ram.Unsurprisingly, Given Its Larger Physical Size, TheiPhone X. plus is also expected to have to 25 Percent Larger Battery Capacity of 3,300-3,400 mah vs.iPhone X.."

iPhone XS siiPhone X.S Plus urmeaza sa aiba deasemenea o baterie care are forma literei L, ea fiind fabricata dintr-o singura celula, in loc de doua precum laiPhone X., cei de la LG urmand a produce aceasta componenta.iPhone X.S urmeaza sa aiba o baterie a carei capacitate ar fi cu 10% mai mare decat cea oferita iniPhone X., in timp ceiPhone X.S Plus ar urma sa aiba o baterie cu capacitate cu pana la 25% mai mare, oferind intre 3300 – 3400 mAh.

iPhone XS siiPhone X.S Plus nu sunt prezentate acum ca upgrade-uri majore pentruiPhone X., compania Apple parand sa le trateze exact asa cum am ales eu denumirea pentru ele.iPhone X.S siiPhone X.S Plus vor avea imbunatatiri demne de telefoane din seria S, compania Apple evitand sa faca schimbari majore pentru a nu avea iar probleme de productie, precum s-a intamplat in toamna anului 2017.