iPhone 13 Review: Apple phone for "Everyone"

Time 01/11/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

iPhone 13 Review: Apple phone for "everyone" - Go4it

Cătălin Niţu21.10.2021Trimite pe:

However, photo results are still very good.The photos on the iPhone 12 Pro Max last year have been at a high level, and the iPhone 13 offers exactly the same quality level, minus camera with zoom, which does not exist physically.The frames have a strong contrast and capture many details, and in the short distance photos there is also a natural bokeh effect, without the need to use the portrait mode.

In low light, nocturnal mode decreases the exposure time to 1 or 2 seconds, usually, and stabilization on the sensor ensures that you will make fewer frames moved in weak light.However, the Ultrawide camera is weak to very weak at night, a problem that Apple has about 3 generations, already on the basic phones.

Photo night

Galerie foto 32 imagini

The only truly new capability on the iPhone 13 is Cinematic Mode, a new shooting mode, which can be translated into "video portrait mode".Samsung tried to implement something similar in the past but the results at that time were quite weak.Apple's solution is quite efficient in comparison but not perfect.The cutting of the characters is decent, but certain elements such as the hairs can be "blurred", something that does not always happen and on the photo mode.Then, certain elements are not well cut, but we must remember that the cut is happening 30 times per second at 1080p resolution, in real time.

However, the kinematic mode allows some pretty good results, given that it is a technology in the first generation and we will certainly see improvements over time through software and processors and rooms more efficient on the next generations..For a few fast or funny clips on social media, the quality is quite good, and the focus quite correct when there are more people in the frame and you want to change from each other.And if you missed the "perfect" focus, you can even change the focus on the "kinematic" clips after the recording.

At the moment this is a kind of "toy" tool, but in the future it can turn into something truly impressive and useful.


iPhone 13 review: telefonul Apple pentru „toată lumea”

iPhone 13 will probably remain the model "for everyone".It has good dimensions, being at the border between compact phones (such as the mini model) and the large ones (Pro Max), it is not difficult and hosts high -performance hardware, even if not the strongest available in the range.Its price is higher than other devices comparable to Android, but for those who come from another iPhone and want to stay in the ecosystem, this is probably the best upgrade choice from one of the older models.

Those who now have an iPhone 7, 8, X or even XR will probably feel the biggest upgrade on all levels.I could even say that it is a good model for those who have never had an iPhone and would like to try the iOS experience.Even if iPhone is cheaper, it offers an outdated, small screen and home button experience, while iPhone 13 Mini is too small for 2021 realities in the phone consumption.

The autonomy and camera with the performance on the "flagship" last year are its strengths, even though Apple has improved almost everything that could be improved within these price and performance levels..Certainly the iPhone 13 is not a "perfect" phone, and those who want all the news will have to go this year to the "Pro" models.However, those who choose iPhone 13 do not receive a weak product, especially since the basic model now offers the double storage, at 128 GB and exactly the same price.

The iPhone 13 was offered to us for testing by Istyle, Premium Reset Apple in Romania.

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