iPhone 12 Mini Review: Remake for iPhone 5 in 2020

Time 15/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

iPhone 12 Mini Review: Remake for iPhone 5 in 2020

Cătălin Niţu17.11.2020Trimite pe:

But Apple has an advantage over the rest of the manufacturers at night: very short exposure time.In most cases, 3 seconds are enough, in situations where Huawei or Samsung had to stay between 5 and 10 seconds for a photo.

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Filming in the HDR is interesting, on the other hand, and its effects are seen, but not having the opportunity to process Dolby Vision content on a computer, it is hard to say how good the filming on the iPhone 12 mini are.Being an iPhone, however, expectations are high.On the phone screen, everything looks good, but usually when you put the material on a large screen, imperfections appear.What can be seen with the naked eye is an increased level of details in the HDR filming, and with a very wide dynamic beach, which keeps details in the bright and darkest areas.

Apple seems to take it a little before the industry, offering the opportunity to film in a format that no one can edit and very few can play on a large screen.Apple recommends the use of an Apple TV connected to a Dolby Vision compatible TV for airplay playback, for example.Setup that few have.The clips can be edited in immovie and uploaded on YouTube, but the editing options are limited, and on YouTube you still have to enter a TV or a compatible screen.We will see in a few years if Apple's bet on Dolby Vision will bear fruit.It is important to mention, however, that you can film in the HDR only if you set the high efficiency format from the camera configuration menu, so the codec used is H.265, which also has rendering problems on many devices, even if you remove the shooting from the phone.


The iPhone 12 mini is an impressive phone, which will probably not sell as well as the rest of the models.Yes, it comes without accessories and has a battery that only holds one day, but this is currently the only small-sized high-end phone, water resistance, wireless charging and top camera.

iPhone 12 Mini Review: Remake for iPhone 5 in 2020

It is not by far the right phone for the cases of use we used to have in 2020, but it could be a transitional phone for those who want to stay on a small phone.Especially since it will keep the experience of use at proper performance for the next 3-4 years from now, if not more.Most likely, the battery will give up faster than the rest of the components, as the daily charging will definitely say its word.Fortunately, changing the battery, even in an Apple service, is cheaper than the full phone change.

The iPhone 12 Mini was offered to us for testing by Istyle, Premium Reset Apple in Romania.

Positive parts

+ The only small phone with high-end specifications on the market+ excellent design, with a premium+ construction includes wireless charging and is water and dust resistant+ can be used with one hand+ autonomy above expectations

Negative parts

- Only the main camera is really top- it is not suitable for multimedia consumption- the screen scratches very quickly- it only comes with a charging cable in the package

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