How will you find out if your iPhone doesn't have original pieces: Apple's prepared function

Time 22/10/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Apple launches in the next update the iOS system will receive, 15.2, a functionality that will tell you if your iPhone contains original components or not.

The functionality "iPhone Parts and Service History", which will introduce in the update of the operating system iOS 15.2, va putea fi accesată de la Settings>General>About.

This will allow users to check the repairs that the device has had since launch and if the parts are original.Also, users will be notified and if components taken from another Apple device have been used to repair their iPhone.

Such features are welcome for users who buy a used iPhone, because by accessing the option presented above will know if the device has been repaired without using good quality components, according to

Cum vei afla dacă iPhone-ul tău nu are piese originale: funcția pregătită de Apple

Moving could push the businesses dealing with the repair of Apple devices to take their components only from the technology giant and give up unauthorized suppliers.It also comes in the context in which the American group has announced that, for the first time, it will begin to sell to the general public spare parts and tools for users to repair their iPhone phones and Mac computers.More details here.

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