Gold recording with a PNL deputy accused of negotiating absence from motion: We promote a few people, where do you want

Time 12/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Last Update: 05-10-2021 11:44 Agerpres

The leader of Gold, George Simion, published on his account of YouTube an audio recording saying that the PNL deputy appears, Cosmin Șandru who was trying to convince the deputy Gold, Ciprian Titi Stoica to miss the vote of the motion on Tuesday.

On the audio recording the one about Simion says that it is Cosmin Șandru is heard saying "I tell you directly.We promote a few people, where you want, nobody knows.We make PNL members of shape and ready.Understand?You tell us where, decentralized institutions. "

For his part, the gold member responds to him that there is no point in losing his time.

"I had a service in England, 4 minutes from home, I worked 4 days, free Sundays, I was the highest in rank at the station, we were taking the same money I take here as a deputy.I didn't come for…. Do you understand?I came because I am tired of what is happening and it can not be continued.And you because you are young and in good faith you should understand this, ”replied the deputy gold.

Contacted by Antena 3 Cosmin Șandru initially denied the discussion, but after he was told he was registered he admitted that he had spoken with the deputy gold, but said they discussed the position of George Simion's party to the motion."Not to be extracted from the context.If it is the registration of the tail head I do not have any kind of emotion, ”said the PNL parliamentarian.

Citește și
Soarta Guvernului Cîțu, tranșată marți. Se anunță un număr covârșitor de voturi pentru demiterea cabinetului

Înregistrare AUR cu un deputat PNL acuzat că ar negocia absența de la moțiune: Promovăm câțiva oameni, unde vrei tu

George Simion said the registration was sent to DNA.

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Source: newsprotv

Tags: registration of deputy PNL motion, deputy negotiated absence of motion, motion florin citu,

Date Publication: 05-10-2021 08: 35autor: Andreea Ghinea

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