Silky balance on the roads in Romania: 24 dead and 17 accidents in 3 days.Titi Aur: There is no really sanction for these Tupeiists

Time 30/07/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback
ACASĂ»Eveniment»Bilanț sumbru pe drumurile din România: 24 de morți și 17 accidente în 3 zile. Titi Aur: Nu există sancțiune cu adevărat pentru acești tupeiști

By Observatory editorial 26.07.2021, 17:04

Subberly balance sheet on the roads in Romania in recent days following a wave of accidents with dozens of dead and injured.Only on the weekend 17 road accidents made 24 deaths.We are in the first place in the EU in the top of road accidents resulting in dead and injured.With 85 road deaths per one million inhabitants in 2020, Romania has the highest rate of road mortality in the EU.

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On Sunday, seven people died in the accident on DN2 Bacău - Adjud, being 5 adults and 2 children.Also on Sunday, two people died, including a four -year -old child, following the frontal collision between two cars on DN 19, within the Biharia, Bihor, five other people being injured..Another serious accident occurred on Monday morning, on a road in Olt.Three people died on the spot after the car they were in was hit in full of a TIR.


This weekend, 24 people died on the roads in Romania, in 17 road accidents

Bilanț sumbru pe drumurile din România: 24 de morți și 17 accidente în 3 zile. Titi Aur: Nu există sancțiune cu adevărat pentru acești tupeiști

News seem to stop impressing.According to the balance sheet of the Department for Emergency Situations, on Friday, died following the accidents nine people, five Saturdays and another ten Sundays.In total, 24 people lost their lives in accidents on the weekend, and another 3.500 were medically assisted by SMURD crews, according to an IGSU balance sheet.Unloading crews were asked to intervene in 17 cases to extract victims from cars involved in road accidents.

Citește și:

"Despite the efforts of rescuers, 24 people have lost their lives in the last 3 days (Friday, 23.07.2021, 9 persons in AG-1, IS-1, NT-1, OT-1 and SB-5 counties;Saturday, 24.07.2021, 5 persons in BV-3 and CV-2 counties;Sunday, 25.07.2021, 10 persons in BC-7, BH-2 and SB-1 counties) ”, ISGU representatives said.


Romania has the highest rate of road mortality in the European Union, although in 2020 it reached the lowest level in history

The roads in Romania have the highest rate of deaths caused by accidents throughout the European Union.We have 85 road deaths per one million inhabitants in 2020, according to data published by the European Commission, well above the European average of 42 road deaths per one million inhabitants in 2020.The European average shows a decrease of 17% of 2019 and a 36% decrease in the last decade (from 2010).

In Romania in 2020, despite the lockdown and lower mobility, the number of road deaths was the highest in the EU.It is true decreased by 12%, being the lowest registered number.Since 2010, the number of deaths has decreased by 31%, although no progress has been made between 2014 and 2019.

Comparatively, in 2020, the Bulgarians had 67 deaths caused by road accidents per one million inhabitants, being 3rd in the ranking after Latvia with 74 deaths and Romania with 85.On places 4 and 5 are Poland (65) and Lithuania (63).At the opposite end, Sweden (18), Malta (21), Denmark (27) and Spain (29) have the least deaths.


Titi Gold also blames the flock spirit of the drivers: "If most do not respect you are tempted to enter the same pace"

In an intervention at the RFI, the pilot Titi Aur commented on the black wave of accidents on the roads in Romania saying that they take place "because the drivers are not aware of the danger", the driver schools are permit owners and the drivers do not respect the rules whenI see others do the same.

"After '90, the car park has evolved a lot, the cars are getting better, safer.The roads, even if they are not as we want, have expanded, asphalt a part-at least DN1, DN2, DN6.Culmea, these roads and highway pieces have increased the number of victims on all improved road sections.And then the cause can only be the man.This chapter was done nothing, moreover, I would say that I have involved.99% not to say 100% of those who go to the driver's school want to take a driving license, they don't want to learn to drive.


I come all kinds of tricks, crazy, tupei and blink, to set aside, and you go on band 1 between trucks, that you are a sucker, that only one sucker goes with 120-130 (km/h), oneŞmecher goes with 160-180.And then it is terrible to go to Romania because there is no education, because there is no really sanction for these Tupeiists.And then the one who goes correctly practically does not find his place.So here you must first of all education and then room, fined, sanctioned.Romanians when they leave out.Why does he respect?Because most respect.To us, if most do not respect you are tempted to enter the same pace: do not respect, go louder, not keep the distance, "said Titi Aur.

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