Find my iPhone - how does the system of locating an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch work?

Time 14/11/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Find My iPhone is a system developed by Apple long ago in the idea of giving iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch owners the opportunity to locate a stolen or lost terminal, to delete all their data and to announcethe thief/founder who is the owner or.Considering the plane crash of the previous days and the fact that one of the survivors held an iPhone, on the television the more or less stupid information began to appear in relation to this system, most of the presenters do not have how he works..

Based on the general confusion determined by the partial information that appeared through the media in recent days, I make this article to explain, as simple as possible, how the system Find My iPhone works and in what situations it is useful for you.Find My iPhone is only available for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or Mac, it cannot be used on other smartphones or tablets marketed by other manufacturers.

That being said:

  1. Find My iPhone functioneaza NUMAI in baza unui Apple ID, adica a unui cont de utilizator inregistrat pe website-ul Apple, cont pe care il folositi si pentru a descarca aplicatii, muzica sau filme;
  2. Find My iPhone functioneaza NUMAI prin sistemul iCloud, acest lucru presupunand logarea cu Apple ID-ul vostru in website-ul, dar si in terminalul vostru in aplicatia Settings, in meniul iCloud. Acolo veti gasi optiunea Find My iPhone pe care trebuie sa o activati impreuna cu activarea GPS-ului;
  3. Find My iPhone functioneaza NUMAI in baza unei conexiuni de internet, existenta GPS-ului in terminal NU permite localizarea sa si NU permite stergerea datelor, blocarea sau trimiterea de mesaje daca nu aveti o conexiune de internet activa;
  4. Find My iPhone NU POATE localiza un terminal daca GPS-ul sau a fost inchis, chiar daca exista o conexiune de internet activa;
  5. Localizarea prin Find My iPhone se poate face NUMAI folosind aplicatia Find My iPhone din App Store sau website-ul si NUMAI daca sunteti logati cu Apple ID-ul pe care este activat iDevice-ul. NU puteti face localizari intre Apple ID-uri pentru terminale care nu sunt activate in acel Apple ID.

Find My iPhone – cum functioneaza sistemul de localizare a unu iPhone, iPad sau iPod Touch?

Practically Find My iPhone is a service that works only if the user has activated it on his own terminals and only through an internet connection/active GPS, in other situations he is useless..Apple's products are not delivered with Find My Active Find and the system cannot be activated after loss/theft of a product, but in situations you can activate it at any time based on an Apple ID and an Internet connection.

If you have other questions, I am waiting for them in comments.