Facebook wants to know what you are doing and when you are not online: what feature do you have to stop

Time 06/08/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

If you didn't know about the privacy function entered by Facebook last year, now is the time to read about it.

It is called off-facebook activity and allows you to see and control the data that the applications or sites share the platform and monitor the type of information that third applications can access..

With the privacy function, you can delete the history of web applications and sites that have shared your data.You can also disable off-facade activity.Basically, if you disable the function, that tells the platform to disconnect any information that the company has shared from your account.Moreover, you can selectively choose which companies you want to stop sharing your activity and will no longer display those directed ads.

What does this "off-facade" activity do?

Facebook says that deactivating the "off-facebook activity" results in the user no longer see personalized commercials based on his daily activity.But Facebook will continue to get some data.

Facebook vrea să știe ce faci și când nu ești online: ce funcție trebuie să oprești

"We will continue to receive activity from the companies and organizations you visit.It can be used for measurement purposes and to bring improvements to our ad systems, but it will be disconnected from your account, ”says Facebook.

However, since the advertisements will no longer be accurate, it means the chance for you to click them.

How to deactivate the sharing of the "off-facebook" activity?

Pentru a verifica ce aplicații și site-uri web ți-au partajat datele cu Facebook, mergi la Setări Facebook > Informațiile tale Facebook > Activitate în afara Facebook.

There is the option to download the full list of your off-facade activity shared of websites and applications, as well as the option to delete this history.

You have to use the switch "Disable future activity" for individual companies or move the blue button to the right tab "Manage the future activity to deactivate your Facebook activity".