The explosive invoices for energy for Romanians, the Government's fault: how "the Romanian state" buried us, again

Time 11/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

The energy crisis and the increase of prices for electricity and natural gas is carried out throughout Europe.However, the solution to prevent it in Romania, has always existed in our yard.Only the Romanian state decided to sabotage us, and the confirmation comes from the NBR.

Already for several decades, natural gas warehouses in the Black Sea are known, and these energy resources are not alone with which Romania praises.The problem, regrettable, is that the Romanian authorities, the Government, do not allow the exploitation of the respective resources.If you find it a conspiracy or a free attack on the prime minister and the head of state and ministers who have pervaded the country, it is worth keeping in mind that this observation comes directly from the NBR.

How the government buried us

Cristian Popa, a member of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Romania, wrote an article entitled "In the defense of the markets" yesterday.On this occasion, the BNR official drew attention to the fact that, as sad as the energy invoices are, the role of the state in this equation is.As a reference, the authorities in Bucharest did not concern the legal and fiscal framework for the exploitation of offshore gases in the Black Sea.

"" To intervene the state! "it is heard more and more often in the public space."There are extraordinary conditions!", "To cap the state prices!"I answer other voices, with even more enthusiasm.There are three recent developments that have attracted my attention, with which we can easily demonstrate, in an easy way, why the voices are wrong, and why the very intervention is the source, and by no means the solution, the problems.I approach them below, point by point.The "invisible hand" of the free markets, the one who aligns the demand with the offer, works for ever and acts on millions of products through billions of transactions, placing things like no central planner (or bureaucrat, or leader, or dictatorthe most powerful computer/artificial intelligence) cannot do it. ”insists the official of the National Bank Administration

"The Austrian Economic School of Economic Thinking tells us that the markets do this with the help of spontaneous order, because they form spontaneously, continuously, through the voluntary interaction of billions of individuals, sellers or buyers, with priorities, preferences, resources and technological possibilities.without some coordinating with others, in a dispersed way, and without the intervention of a central entity to coordinate the process.A free market will continually seek to identify and satisfy the consumers' wishes in the best way, and through the competition and the stimulant system will seek to offer the best products at the best prices, ”Cristian Popa drew attention.

Facturile explozive la energie pentru români, vina Guvernului: cum ”ne-a îngropat” statul român, din nou

In his article, Popa also puts in context the Berlin rent market, the prices for energy products in Europe and, last but not least, the crisis of fuels and labor in the UK.As a possible explanation for the explosion of gas and electricity prices, Popa mentions that they have increased against a high demand due to the return of consumption and reduced offer.

"The solution conveyed by the maids is the capping by law, so" to solve the state! ", As if there will be more gases and more electricity from nothing.But the laws of the economy function independently of the laws given in the Parliament.The capped prices would discourage investment in production capacities, not the other way around, so it would not solve the basic problem, it would be a soothing, which would not cure the disease.What the docks do not tell us is that, although we look at the state for solutions, it is very possible even the state has generated the problems in the first phase.

Did the closure of mines and power power plants contribute to the current crisis of energy prices in which we are?Did the introduction of the CO2 certificate system have not increased costs, closing and bankruptcy of charcoal power plants and thus at higher prices?The reduction of pollution and greening the energy system is probably necessary, but something must be replaced with something else, only elimination leads to shortage, elimination of an energy source must be accompanied by the development of new ones, and this using all competitive mechanisms, because otherwise it is reachedAt unintentional consequences, such as power feathers or huge prices, ”says Cristian Popa.

Finally, the BNR official insists on the situation of the Gas in the Black Sea and the fact that the Romanian state has created a problem for the Romanian people, not necessarily intentional, but out of ignorance.

"Another situation, this time specific to our country, is that although we have vast energy resources in Romania, the state does not allow their exploitation.It is ironic and sad that on the one hand the price of gas has exploded, but on the other hand the state does not create the legal and fiscal framework for the exploitation of offshore gases in the Black Sea, so it does not allow private companies to exploit these gases.But at the same time, the state offers, benevolent, to cap the prices, or to subsidize them, with money from the taxes collected ... Also from us.And we remain in the question of why prices are raising.

Ne permitem oare să lăsăm aceste resurse minerale de miliarde de euro neexploatate sub Marea Neagră? Este Romania atât de bogată încât să importe gaze mai degrabă decât să le exploateze pe ale ei? La iarnă, când va fi frig, sau când vor veni facturile, ne vom gândi probabil cu jind la acele gaze”, susţine Cristian Popa.