Apple Music - how do you download music for offline listening

Time 23/01/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Apple Music has been launched last night by Apple and Romania does not officially allow the download of offline listening music, most likely because it is not activated in our country for now by the American company.

Despite this, a user suggested to me a trick to download the music for offline listening from Apple Music, and after a few attempts I managed to find a relatively stable way to download music from Apple Music artists to listen to offline..

Normally the Music, Music, iOS 8.4 displays an alert message with error this Requere iCloud Music Library, this operation requires iCloud Music Library, but iCloud Music Library, iCloud Music Library, cannot be activated in Romania yet.

How do I save music for offline listening in Apple Music

Despite Apple's limits, following the advice below you will be able to save music for offline listening in Apple Music, but you need patience to meet the whole procedure because you will have to repeat the same steps so that everything works.

  1. Deschideti aplicatia Muzica, Music a iOS 8.4.
  2. Accesat sectiunea For You, Pentru tine.
  3. Alegeti albumul trupei favorite si accesati lista de melodii.
  4. Incepeti redarea melodiei pe care doriti sa o descarcati.
  5. Apasati butonul din partea dreapta a melodiei si alegeti optiunea Puneti la dispozitie offline, Save Offline, apoi apasati Ok in mesajul de alerta.
  6. Apasati butonul din partea dreapta a melodiei si alegeti optiunea Adaugati la Muzica dvs., Add to My Music, apoi apasati Ok in mesajul de alerta.
  7. Dupa cea de-a doua operatiune ar trebui sa vedeti iconita unui iPhone in dreptul melodiei si aceasta ar trebui sa fie disponibila offline, in caz contrar repetati pasii 5 – 6 in aceeasi ordine, redarea melodiei nefiind obligatorie.

Apple Music – cum descarci muzica pentru ascultare offline

I know that the procedure is not simple and unfortunately it does not work at first, but I have managed to do it multiple times to save multiple songs from various albums, so it works in this format, in the absence of activating iCloud MusicLibrary, iCloud Music Library.

Although the songs are saved offline and can be rendered offline, you need an Internet connection to access the For You section, for you, from the music application and implicitly the desired album, the songs are not visible in the My Music section, my music, because the procedure hasat the base of an application bug.

That being said, increased to save.