What is the Phone Clone app and how the data is transferred in 5 simple steps - forbes.ro

Time 26/07/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

The process can be done very easily, regardless of operating systems (iOS or Android), both on the new and old smartphone.

Transfer of photos, contacts, messages, videos, chat history and app data, especially between smartphones with different systems is often a difficult process.However, the Phone Clone application provides a simple process for a quick transfer.The most important aspect of the whole process is the safety it offers, due to the secure encryption of the wireless network.So no backup is made in the cloud and no hard disk is used.

To start the data transfer process, the user must download or open Phone Clone on both devices if it is already installed.All new Huawei smartphones come with the Phone Clone application.To download the app, it must enter the app stores available in the phone.For Huawei models, the app is also available in the Huawei App Gallery store.

  1. Să deschidă aplicația Phone Clone și să atingă „Acesta este noul telefon”.
  2. Să acceseze aplicația Phone Clone de pe telefonul vechi (poate fi găsită pe alte platforme de distribuție de aplicații) și să apese „Acesta este telefonul vechi”.
  3. Să conecteze cele două telefoane folosind telefonul vechi pentru a scana codul QR afișat pe noul telefon.
  4. Să colecteze datele pe care dorește să le transfere de pe telefonul vechi pe cel nou. Phone Clone permite utilizatorilor să selecteze ce aplicații și ce date doresc să transfere pe noul telefon, în loc să copieze întregul dispozitiv. Acest lucru nu numai că economisește timp, dar reduce și spațiul folosit.
  5. Să aștepte finalizarea transferului, urmând ca noul dispozitiv să fie deja customizat.

Since the launch of April 2018, the Huawei Appgallery app store has had a very fast evolution and is able to offer the most open, safe and innovative service for 500 million users globally.In less than two years, Huawei Appgallery has become available in over 170 countries.

Ce este aplicația Phone Clone și cum se transferă datele în siguranță în 5 pași simpli - Forbes.ro

Huawei Appgallery already includes applications in the banking area, including Banca Transilvania, BCR, Pago, Orange Money, and BRD will join the near future..The Huawei local team is in discussions with the other important banking groups, for their applications to be available in appgallery as soon as possible.Appgallery also contains important applications in the news and entertainment area, such as cinemagia, newspapers.Com, Pro TV News, Digi 24, Bizeday, Antena Play, Orange TV Go, Telekom TV or Digi Online.Also, numerous applications dedicated to shopping are also available in the platform, such as Lajumate.ro, olx.ro, elephant.ro, the one.ro, dedeman or occasions.ro, but also utilitarian applications, including EJobs, Bitdefender, Star Taxi, 7Card, Virtual Cards or WorldClass.Huawei Appgallery also pays attention to the education area, so the platform offers consumers local applications that have become known and used globally.These include foreign languages learning applications, such as Learn English, French, German, Japanese, developed by Meta Language Pro.

In total, Appgallery contains over 75 Romanian applications and tens of thousands of international applications.The application comes with full security and protection, including with the real name of the developer and the four -step review process for the secure operation of the application.All applications go through a strict verification test to protect developers' applications against hazardous activities.This has an age -evaluation system to create a safe environment for children, eliminating applications that are not suitable for their age.

Until April 17, Huawei is carrying out the "Download and Win" campaign, through which the users of the Huawei Appgllery app store can win points, which they can use to activate additional services in Appgallery.People who purchase a Huawei P40 Lite during the campaign, for example, can automatically receive 50 Huawei points, by adding the promotional code related to the purchase in the Huawei ID - Huawei Points section.

Every day the first 5.000 users who register in the "Download and Win" campaign can receive 5 Huawei points.These points can be used to activate the following services: extra space in Huawei Cloud, background images, new topics or special benefits in games and applications available in the "Play with Huawei Points" section of Appgallery.

Appgallery is the official Huawei applications distribution platform, the third largest global app store.

To explore more in Appgallery, users must follow the steps below:

  1. Să deschidă Huawei AppGallery pe noul telefon.
  2. Să tasteze numele aplicației dorite în spațiul dedicat căutării.
  3. Să instaleze aplicația recomandată.
Etichete: huawei, Huawei Romania, Phone Clone