Vigano call is not propaganda

Time 30/10/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

1.The one who wrote the first about the entropy applied to the economy and society in the work "The Entropy Law and the Economic Process (Law of entropy and the economic process)" in 1971 was the Romanian-Americannichholas scientist Georgescu-Roegen, the founder of the bioeconomic theory.The work was also translated into Romania through the 70's..It is worth recited..Entropic degradation is a process that occurs over time, making visible reduction of resources.

While in nature the entropy process occurs by itself, the economic process is directly dependent on the human activity in which the consumption of goods entails entropy, that is, degradation, by producing waste and by the dysfunctions that occur in this process..

2.Soros, the father and mommy of Duamnei Pippidi Laboru and Duamna Weber (two sisters, the same tribe) launched the theory of perpetual debt in which the countries no longer pay 'the main ", only interest, for recent!Governments!

Apelul Vigano nu e propagandă

3.On the other hand, Ceausescu in March 1989 had fully paid the external debt and we all know what he suffered, with the high security as the "blue wave" against him!Group, isolated, Easter alone, a lupiidoria and the degree of indebtedness are the keys of the happiness of the nations ... :))

4.Carbon dioxide is the food source of plants that in the process of photosynthesis consume carbon dioxide and produces oxygen! A trivial tree ensures the oxygen of a family of 4 persons still do not realize how important the forest has, plants of all varieties for humanity! Until the century15th in the Romanian Country and Transylvania the forest was a master of 75% of the areas, in Moldova on 50% of the forest surface should be stopped at least 10 years, but the parties in the Parliament only bark and do not give a law to remove the forest cutting fromThe head of the Austrians and the Hungarians!