The terrible effect your phone has on your life because of the screen

Time 20/02/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

It is clear that the light screen of the phone has several negative effects on you, but this is not the only part of its use that affects you.

Using your phone before bed has a number of negative effects that you may not even think.This habit causes sleep problems, a weaker concentration, but over time, it could cause even health problems such as heart disease or diabetes.

Among the most common negative aspects when it comes to the phone are the blue light it emanates.This deeply affects your sleep program and quality, but it also destroys your circadian rhythm.For this there are certain solutions, more or less practical, such as applications that change the screen light or glasses that block the blue light.

What negative effects does the state have on the phone before bed

However, the main problem does not seem to be the light of the phone, but it also matters the way you use it.Apparently the activities you do on the phone before bed that influences the quality of sleep during the night.The passive ones such as reading a neutral content, are quite non -removal.Problems start with Social Media Scrolls once.Social networks are known to affect mental health.Thus, feelings of anxiety, loneliness or a low self -esteem, which may be consequences of using social networks, will affect sleep.

Efectul teribil pe care telefonul îl are asupra vieții tale din cauza ecranului

Those who stand on social media before bed will fall asleep harder and wake up more often during the night.

There are some things you could do to avoid sleep problems.Thus, the researchers recommend that for half an hour before bedtime you do nothing to stimulate your brain too hard.And if you can avoid the phone completely, the better.