The less known story of the first iPhone and why was it near failure

Time 01/02/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

In January 2007, Steve Jobs had the first iPhone.Apple has proposed with him to reinvent the phones with.And, within a few years he succeeded.But the first model was far from being a revolution.Moreover, the team that took care of that presentation, Steve Jobs was also involved, he resorted to countless tricks to leave the impression that the phone is good to launch.It was not.

Steve Jobs, Apple's founder, was the man who best sell the company's ideas.From first Apple computer to iPod and iPhone.He was a sales man and this is best seen in this quote: "People do not know what they want until they offer them".He made this statement in 1985 in an interview for "Playboy".

In January 2007 with the first iPhone, had to deliver to the height of that statement.What did Jobs and Apple promise was simple: a phone, an iPhone and a very good browser for the Internet.The phone arrived in shops six months later.

The first iPhone had many shortcomings.It was only 2G, you had no access to applications other than pre -installed, the room was 2 megapixels and it was very expensive.But users were conquered why offered.The applications were better - even if few, the browser was working as a PC, YouTube was available on the phone and, yes, it was iPod.But in January 2007 the phone was, you could say, "with" wire ".

The tricks through which Steve Jobs presented the first iPhone

"This is the day I have been waiting for for over two and a half years," Jobs started the presentation on January 9, 2007.He talked about the phone, about what problems do the models available then, but how will the world change with the new model.

Andy Grignon was one of the Apple engineers who worked on the first iPhone.He was in charge of the radio components of iPhone 2G.To understand what Apple's approach meant to create the first iPhone, you can see through the example of Grignon.During the period when he worked on this secret project he fattening over 20 kilograms, he had problems in marriage and on the days before the presentation event Jobs drove everyone with the secretomania he wanted around the phone.

The engineers were chosen, man with man, from Apple teams and were isolated by all other projects.Everything was secret, even to the family, and the work was prolonged, often, until the next morning.Even so, there were huge conflicts between those responsible for hardware and software.

Povestea mai puțin știută a primului iPhone și de ce era aproape de eșec

The first ones dreamed of the future, the latter had to compress in the limited component housing and a PC operating system in a version that operates on a phone.

Between the two areas was Jon Ive, the Apple designer, who wanted, together with Jobs, a certain design and a certain structure and composition of the carcass..Thus the first iPhone was built of aluminum with a plastic base.But metal and radio waves do not reconcile.

The signal for Wi-Fi and GSM, even if only 2G, could not pass.The designers' solution was to make an opening in the housing, except that, in the end, the bottom came to be plastic because an opening was not enough.

iPhone was the phone that most promoted the connection via Wi-Fi.For this, in the presentation, Grignon has changed things a little and in the case of the Wi-Fi connection has prepared an Airport router so that it is not to be found for the laptops in the room.In terms of GSM connection, the team resorted to a fake.They brought a portable transmitter next to the scene to ensure the best reception.At the same time, they changed the operating system to always show all the full signal units, even when they did not.

After each demonstration made by Jobs, on row five in the room, engineers and managers celebrated with a bottle of whiskey that the phone worked."[...] The one responsible for that party was giving a glass over his head.[...] It was crazy, but it was extraordinary, "Grignon said in an interview for the New York Times.

Steve Jobs sold the phone through an operator but otherwise to all companies

The first iPhone was only for the United States of America. Și Apple l-a vândut în exclusivitate doar la AT&T.Jobs has imposed a condition: total freedom on the product.That's why, even now, iPhone is not a phone full of operators programs, as is happening on Android.

And otherwise the product has been presented.Jobs wanted the iPhone image to be presented on a screen on stage.And other companies presented the products like that, but most were filming the top demonstrations with a video camera.He didn't want his hand to block the picture.

Thus, he told the engineers to install extra circuits to allow the phone to do this.The effect was an impressive one for those in the public, but the back work was not easy at all.

But a bigger problem were the applications that could run on the iPhone.Jobs wanted to show all the functions on the phone, but he didn't have hardware strong enough for this.He wanted to play a song, to call someone, to wait for the interlocutor while talking to someone else, sending a photo by email and looking for something on the Internet.At the end to return to music.

"I and my team were stressed to the maximum.I had only 128 MB of RAM in the phone, but the applications were not finished and were big and cumbersome, ”explained Grignon.And, surprisingly, went.

At first Jobs didn't even think of doing an iPhone

Despite the confidence Steve Jobs showed on stage when he presented the first iPhone, the phone was not for him or Apple a very big goal.Sure, it was discussed about this since the first iPod, in 2001.

The idea was simple: people would prefer to have one device, no more.And on it unique to have mail, phone, music and maybe a camera.Jobs and some of Apple's bosses discussed the idea but seemed like a suicide mission.At that time the internet on the phone was quite slow and streaming video or music was almost impossible.Neither cameras were very good.

Steve Jobs hate the most - for an eventual iPhone - to have partnership with a telecom operator.Jobs was obsessed with control and did not want to lose him in front of an operator.The company even considered to become an operator-a virtual operator, based on a network partnership with a large operator.

În 2006, Apple a semnat cu Cingular (preluată mai târziu de AT&T) și negocierile pentru detaliile finale au durat aproape un an. Astfel, în iunie 2007, primul iPhone a fost lansat în rețeaua AT&T.Later, he also reached other operators.Since 2008, Apple also has the App Store, the first modern store with applications.

Last but not least, you should know that some of Apple's engineers and bosses wanted to make a phone, after the success of iPod.But they believed that what was to be iPhone was like a smaller Macintosh.Between 2005 and 2006, Apple thought and created three different iPhone versions.Then he created six other functional prototypes - with different hardware and software - of the model that would reach the stores.