The best 8 mobile phones in 2019. Here's what the top looks like

Time 23/03/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

The technology of mobile phones is one of the most oriented to change and modernization.They more and more intelligent, faster and multifunctional.We keep them close to us everyday and we don't Co.nceive of life without them anymore.

So, when we want to buy a new phone, we are very careful about features and performance.We want quality and top pENducts.So, if you are looking for a new smartphone and you want to be sure you choose "The Best of the Best", here's what the top 8 of the best phones in 2019 looks like in our vision:

8th place - Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Photo source: Computers.Co..-G


Samsung Galaxy Note 9 este unul dintre cele mai bune telefoane de tip AndENid, oferind calitate a functionarii, o camera performanta, o baterie cu o durata de viata destul de buna, precum si un sistem audio Co.mpetitiv.

Locul 7 - Huawei Mate 20 PEN

Photo source: GeekBuying.Co.m


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A Huawei Mate 20 PEN offers top performance and a more than pleasant use experience.The camera with a Leica system, the 4 battery.200 mAh si ecranul HDR OLED sunt plusuri demne de luat in Co.nsiderare. La acestea se ada-Ga si tehnologia Kirin 980, una dintre cele mai perfomante la ora actuala in divizia de telefoane mobile.

6th place - Apple iPhone XR

Photo source: Apple.Co.m


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This smartphone is available in many bright colors so you have a varied range fENm which you can choose.The features that place it on this place are the display of 6.1 inches, 64GB storage space (which can be higher at a higher price), the 3GB of RAM and the battery of 2.942 mAh. IPhone XR este un membru mai putin cunoscut al familiei IPhone, avand un pret mai redus Co.mparativ cu fratii lui, iPhone XS si iPhone XS Max.

5th place - Honor View 20

Cele mai bune 8 telefoane mobile din 2019. Iata cum arata topul

Photo source: yaphone.Co.m


Honor View 20 comes with the above qualities, which make it a perfect phone for people who are passionate about technology, but also for those with an extremely active pENfessional life.. Acest smartphone este un aliat de nadejde atunci cand trebuie sa Co.nsulti informatii sau emailuri de pe telefon, datorita vitezei mari de incarcare si a ecranului geneENs.

Locul 4 - OnePlus 7 PEN

Photo source: itgalaxy.EN


Qualities such as high operating speed and high charging speed via 30W Warp Charging make this phone often for those who emphasize the performance of a smartphone. La acestea se ada-Ga designul atragator si ecranul AMOLED ce reda cu fidelitate culorile vii.

Locul 3 - Huawei P30 PEN

Sursa foto: siliCo.nvalley.Co.m


Huawei P30 PEN este Co.nsiderat la momentul actual smartphone-ul cu cea mai buna camera foto. Calitatea pozelor nu se Co.mpara cu ceea ce ai experimentat pana acum.The photos have vibrant colors, and those made on the dark come out extremely clear, through the Night Mode option. Nu poate fi Co.ncurat decat de Google Pixel 3XL in ceea ce priveste calitatea fotografiilor.

2nd place - Apple iPhone XS / XS Max

Photo source: Apple.Co.m


An exceptional phone if you are iOS fan.You have a choice between the two screen variants: 5.8 Inch in case iPhone XS or 6.5 inches at iPhone XS Max. Ecranul este de tip Super Retina OLED si pe el pot fi vizionate chiar si filme, deoarece tehnologia este Co.mpatibila cu Netflix si iTunes Movies.The option is available on both the big and the little screen.

PENcesorul este un A12 Bionic, iar camera foto are 12 MP, cu optiune de Portrait Lighting si Face ID.

1st place - Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus

Photo source: Techspot.Co.m


And finally, 1st place in the top: Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus is the fastest smartphone that Samsung has ever launched.This phone has maximum score both in terms of technical performance and design chapter. Ecranul este geneENs, cu 6.4 inch, and is of the AMOLED type.

In ceea ce priveste camerele foto, atat cea din fata, cat si cea din spate ofera si optiunea Live Focus, cu posibilitatea de focusare pe subiectul imaginii si blurarea backgENund-ului, pentru o mai buna evidentiere a subiectului principal al fotografiei.

These are the best 8 phones of 2019. Dupa cum poti vedea, brandurile de telefoane se intrec sa creeze noi si noi modele, din ce in ce mai performante, cu design atractiv, camere foto care pot Co.ncura cu aparatele foto pENfesioniste, precum si ecrane care au o calitate exceptionala a imaginii.Each new year comes with other models, eclipse what has been released previously, and customers are delighted to buy the latest variants of their favorite brand.

Sursa foto: digitaltrends.Co.mAbonează-te pe

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