The phone does not charge: what is the solution and what can you try

Time 30/01/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

If the phone does not charge, when you connect it to the socket or laptop, there could be a number of explanations behind this unfortunate situation. Below, I will offer some solutions to try before you go to the service with him.

There are many reasons why your smartphone refuses to charge. The sad part is that you often need a phone, and when it seems to break down, you get worried. Some may even panic. Once upon a time, if it didn't charge, you would remove the battery, clean the contacts a bit, and put it back on. In 2019, however, that solution no longer exists and you are forced to become much more creative in terms of the tricks you have in mind.

When the phone is not charging, most of the time, you face a hardware problem. In some cases, however, there may be a software detail behind the issue. Then, before anything else, it's best to turn off your device completely and reopen it, and then try plugging it back in again.

If he still doesn't want to charge, change the charging cable. Eventually, replace the transformer you plug into the wall with the USB port to which you connect your smartphone. If you have another home phone or device that is charging through the same port, test the charger and cable using that additional device.

Connect your phone to your laptop and see if it charges like this or if it is recognized by the system, if it does not plug into anything. Take a good look at the charging cable and make sure it is in perfect condition visually. It is not red, unprotected or oxidized in any way.

Clean the charger of the phone using a toothpick or a very small toothbrush. It is very likely that you have collected dust and, for this reason, the charging cable will no longer fit completely into the socket to do its job. Also opposite the smartphone plug, look carefully to see if it is bent in any way and has not changed color. The latter could be a sign of oxidation, because you dropped your phone in the water, even for a few moments.

Last but not least, when the phone is not charging, be patient. If it's completely unloaded, it may take up to 2-3 minutes for a little activity to start appearing on the screen. If it stays on the black screen for a minute or two after you plug it in, don't panic. It might start right away.