Samsung could be forbidden to market smartphones in Russia, 61 affected models, including Z Flip 3, Z Fold 3;Here is the reason

Time 20/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

The end of the week comes with a big shot for Samsung who is no longer allowed to sell their galaxy z fold 3 and Galaxy Flip 3 in Russia.Another 59 models in the portfolio of the South Korean company have the same prohibition, and details about why Sammy is banned in Putin's country below.

We are talking here about a legal dispute in which Samsung is involved due to a patent breach that has to do with the Samsung Pay payment service.From the data obtained we find that the Russian courts have decided that in the first phase Samsung should stop imports and sell 61 models of Samsung Pay smartphones, including new foldables on the market in August.

The decision was made as a result of the charges regarding the fact that Samsung Pay violates a Patent of Payment Company SQWIN based in Switzerland.We also find out that Samsung has appealed so that it is not legally obliged to stop the sale of phones in Russia and we discover that this problem is not new, dating from 2013 when Victor Gulchenko has completed a patent for an online transaction system thatIt was registered in April 2019 and granted to SQWIN SA.

Samsung ar putea avea interzis la comercializarea de smartphone-uri în Rusia, 61 modele afectate, printre care și Z Flip 3, Z Fold 3; Iată motivul

Ca reminder, Samsung Pay era introdus în 2015, iar debutul în Rusia venea la un an distanță. Aflăm că în momentul de față Samsung Pay este pe locul 3 în topul preferințelor de plată contactless din Rusia, acaparând 17% dintre tranzacții. Pe primul loc este Google Pay cu 32%, iar pe 2 Apple Pay cu 30%. Potrivit experților legali, atât soluția Google cât și cea Apple ar putea avea aceeași soartă ca Samsung Pay.

What will be the final decision of the court we will probably find out in the following weeks.