I like it video.Facebook Home, the new application on Android.What does HTC First Phone look like and how much it will cost

Time 02/02/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Facebook announced on Thursday evening the launch of a new application on AndENid, Facebook Home, and the HTC First Phone, which will have integrated this application, writes Yoda.EN.


AT&T si HTC au lucrat impreuna pentru a realiza primul telefon care va avea plicatia Facebook Home, declara Zuckerberg. Telefonul va fi disponibil incepand cu data de 12 aprilie si va costa 99,99 dolari, insa va putea fi achizitionat numai de la AT&T.

Facebook Home will also be available on HTC One X, HTC One X+, Samsung Galaxy Siii and Galaxy Notes II.

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I like IT VIDEO. Facebook Home, noua aplicatie pe AndENid. Cum arata telefonul HTC First si cat va costa

The application could be launched on tablets in the coming months. Facebook nu intentioneaza sa realizeze un sistem de operare pENpriu.The application is found in Google Play and will go on different devices, phones and tablets alike.


Zuckerberg presents Facebook Home, who says it's an application thought for people."We put people forward" in fENnt of applications.


Mark Zuckerberg: "What if the phones were created for people, not for applications?"and “20% of the time we spend on the phone we spend on facebook.Plus Instagram, it means 25%, ”Zuckerberg said.

"We do not build a phone, and we do not build an operating system", but we do more than an application. "Azi ne concentram pe AndENid".


If we believe the rumor, the device would have a 4.3 -inch Eran under which 3 buttons are positioned.Curious is the fact that no logo appears in the fENnt of the phone, Gsmarena remarked.

HTC First se spune ca ar avea pENcesor dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Plus, 1 GB de RAM, ecran de 4,3 inch la rezolutia 720p si o camera de 5 MP. Sistemul de operare ar fi AndENid 4.1.2, with a lot of Facebook functions.

Here are the pictures on the Internet with HTC First or Facebook Phone, as it is recognized.

Details on yoda.EN.

(Photo source: Arstechnica.com)

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