Digi next to a small operator (invite Systems) wins this year's mini-city for allocation of new 5G frequencies;Here's how much money they will reach the state budget

Time 25/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

In the absence of Orange, Vodafone and Telekom Mobile, the Communications Regulatory Authority (ANCOM) announced on Tuesday that the procedure was completed.

Cei doi operatori care au ofertat și câștigat noi frecvențe sunt RCS&RDS (Digi) și Invite Systems. Aceștia vor contribui la bugetul de stat cu suma de 43.4 milioane de euro, ceea ce reprezintă 60% din valoarea spectrului pus la dispoziție. Avem detalii mai jos.

ANCOM a anunțat marți, 23 noiembrie 2021, finalizarea procedurii de selecție competitivă pentru alocarea a 195 de MHz disponibili în benzile de 800 MHz, 2600 MHz și 3400 - 3800 MHz. Ca urmare a ofertei depuse, S.C RCS&RDS S.A. a câștigat drepturile de utilizare pentru blocul pereche de 2x5 MHz în banda de frecvențe de 2600 MHz FDD pentru 1 bloc nepereche de 15 MHz în banda de 2600 MHz TDD, pentru o perioadă cuprinsă între 1 ianuarie 2022 și 5 aprilie 2029. Suma totală pe care o are de plătit operatorul ca taxă de licență pentru toate drepturile de utilizare câștigate se ridică la 42.7 milioane de euro:

During this auction, only 2 of the 5 operators who bought the specifications were submitted offers.Today there was an additional primary round, which offered the qualified operators the opportunity to submit additional offers.

Digi alături de un mic operator (Invite Systems) câștigă mini-licitația din acest an pentru alocarea de noi frecvențe 5G; Iată câți bani vor ajunge la bugetul de stat

However, Vodafone, Telekom and Orange did not appear in the auction.Asked by HotNews.ro about the reasons for absence, Vodafone officials said: "Following an internal evaluation process, Vodafone Romania decided not to participate in the tender procedure of the radio spectrum that is now ongoing by ANCOM."

At the same time, Orange officials also replied, declaring the following:

The surprise comes from Invite Systems, a small operator who has gained frequencies for 5G. This company provides Internet and voice services, operating two databases based on Tier 3 in Bucharest and Ploiești.

This company is fully owned by Tiberiu-George Croitoru, General Manager and in Binbox Global Services for almost 4 years.The data in the Trade Register show CAFIRBA Cyber Smart Solutions is fully controlled by Binbox Global Services, which has the following shareholders:

Coverage obligations

There are also coverage and development obligations imposed in the license to use the frequency spectrum.Thus, for the licenses granted in the 800 MHz band, the obligations aim to ensure the coverage of 95% of the population of 56 localities specified in the specifications with mobile broadband communications services, with a speed transfer speed inthe downward direction of at least 2 MB/s. This obligation enters into force from December 31, 2023 until the end of the validity period (April 5, 2029).

The winner of the rights of use of the frequency block in the frequency band 3400-3600 MHz will have gradual development obligations, respectively of commissioning a number of basic stations.Thus, in the first year of the entry into force of the license, Invte Systems will have to install 25 basic stations, reaching 100 basic stations in operation, installed anywhere on national territory, after three years and six months from the entrance.in force of the license.