WhatsApp - Complete Guide for Application Use In 2020

Time 26/09/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Informații utile pe care le vei găsi mai jos despre aplicație:

What is WhatsApp

In 2014, the largest social network in the world, Facebook, is the company that signed an agreement to buy the WhatsApp application, for $ 19 billion.Specifically, the application used daily by millions of people around the world is a messaging service that allows everyone to send messages from the mobile phone, in any corner of the world, the contacts they have saved in the mobile phone, only with the help ofInternet connection.

Basically it is an easy way of communication anywhere in the world.

When the app has appeared

The company "WhatsApp Inc" was founded in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum.The two were employees of "Yahoo".

Aplicația WhatsApp 2.0 a fost concepută ca o aplicație privată de mesagerie, un mod simplu și de încredere pentru a comunica cu prietenii și familia. În anul 2009, Acton și-a convins cinci alți foști colegi să investească aproximativ 250.000 de dolari într-un fond de investiții, iar mai târziu, drept răsplată, aceștia au primit statutul de cofondatori și acțiuni.WhatsApp – Ghid complet pentru utilizarea aplicației în 2020

After several months of study, the application was launched at the end of November 2009, exclusively for iPhone.Later Chris Peiffer made the version for BlackBerry, which appeared two months later.

To avoid too fast growth, the app has passed from a free service to one counter.So in December 2009, WhatsApp for iPhone was improved and updated to send photos.

Founders agreed to bring another $ 7 million over the 250.000 of the investment fund, and by February 2013, the base of active users had reached 200 million, with 50 employees.

Sequia has invested another $ 50 million in the app, estimating WhatsApp at a value of $ 1.5 billion.

In 2013, the founders of the application said that there are 400 million users using services, and from 2014 the threshold of 500 million monthly users, over 700 million photos and 100 million videos sent daily have been reached..The entire system of the application operates more than 10 billion messages per day.

În februarie 2014, aplicația WhatsApp a fost achiziționată de Facebook Inc pentru aproximativ 19 miliarde de dolari.WhatsApp – Ghid complet pentru utilizarea aplicației în 2020

How I install WhatsApp on your phone

To begin with, enter the Play Magazine app (Google Play) and look for WhatsApp.As soon as you found, press the install button, button immediately under the app.

After download, open the app and go to the next step by accepting all the conditions of use.

At the end you enter your name and that's all.If later you want to change your name, you will be able to access the menu button, settings, and from here you can press on the profile name and you can change it.

How I install on your PC

From the computer browser, access the download page and download the file.exe.După ce s-a descărcat, deschide WhatsApp.exe pentru a instala aplicația. Imediat cum se finalizează instalarea, deschide aplicația pe computer și scanează codul QR pentru a te putea autentifica.WhatsApp – Ghid complet pentru utilizarea aplicației în 2020

Or you can enter https: // web.Whatsapp.com/

How do you install WhatsApp on macos 10.10+

From the computer browser, access the download page and download the file.Mg.After he has downloaded, open WhatsApp.Mg pentru a instala aplicația.At the first installation, the app will ask you if you want to add the app in the Application Director and in the Desktop dock.

As soon as the installation has been completed, open the app and scan the QR code so you can authenticate.

How to scan code from WhatsApp

How do you add a person on WhatsApp

Save the name of a contact and phone number in the phone book, in the correct format (if a phone number from another country).Open the WhatsApp application and go to the convic screen.Press on the convic icon.Nine - menu button - refresh.

How do you start a conversation

Open the conversation with that contact saved.Press on behalf of the one you want to write a message.

How do you make a group

To add a participant in a group, you will open the group conversation in WhatsApp and reach the subject of the group.You will reach the name of the group in the convict long, then you can press more options - Group details.The next step is to add participants.Look for contacts or select them that you want to add in the group.When you finish add, you reach the green tick signal.

How to remove a person from a group made in the app

Open the group conversation, touch the subject of the group.You will reach the name of the group in the convict long, then you can press more options - Group details.Choose the participant you want to remove, touch eliminated and ok.

How do you send picture or video on WhatsApp

Click Attach, at the top of the conversation, then choose from: pictures and videos, document, contact, camera (to take a picture with the camera) and click on send.

How do you send voice messages

Open a conversation, click on the microphone, then talk to your phone/computer microphone.When you are done, click on confirm to be able to send your vocal message.

How do you call video call

Open a conversation on WhatsApp, touch the video camera, on the right right, and the video call will start automatically and the recipient's phone will ring.

What does Seen mean on WhatsApp

The signs of ticks appear next to each message sent.Here's what it means:

How can you see deleted messages

Install the Notification History app you find in the Play Store and give it the necessary permissions and access to notifications.In the future, even if the one you talked to, he deleted a message until you can read, notification History will record all the notifications received, but also the messages accompanying the notifications.

How do I block someone on WhatsApp

From the application you will reach settings - account - confidentiality - blocked contacts - add.

Find the contact you want to block, then press.

Mai poți încerca:

How to delete conversations

To delete an individual conversation:

To delete a group conversation:

How do you delete WhatsApp account

Open the app, access settings, account, delete account.Enter the phone number in full international format, then reach the account delete.

Deleting account will automatically delete your account information, but also profile picture, eliminate all groups and delete messages history.

How are you doing Facebook Avatar: Profile picture from cartoons

Photo source: FAQ.Whatsapp.com

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