The first European country to launch its first 5G network

Time 13/04/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

If you were expecting the first 5G network in Europe to appear in France, Germany or the UK then you were wrong. The first European country to feature a functional 5G network is one in the east of the continent.

US carrier Verizon has activated the world's first 5G network in four US cities and provided high-speed internet access to those willing to pay $ 50 a month.

T-Mobile has launched in Poland the first 5G network that will operate only in a small geographical area, ie in the center of Warsaw, and only business partners who will develop 5G services for the broad market will have access to this network.

"What we have launched today is not just an isolated test, it is a fifth-generation network, which we will expand to other cities and then cover the whole country," said Andreas Maierhofer, CEO of T-Mobile Poland.

Prima țară europeană unde s-a lansat prima rețea 5G

T-Mobile's 5G network in Poland uses the 3.5 GHz band frequency, a frequency that will be used in Europe and Asia for speeds higher than those offered by 4G, but lower than the speed offered by the millimeter wave technology used. by Verizon and AT&T in the United States.

In the United States, the 3.5 Ghz frequency for 5G has just been opened, and operators are still working to launch 5G networks on 3.5 GHz.

The German operator would use Huawei technology to build the 5G network in Poland. We remind you that the Chinese company is under investigation for espionage for the Chinese government.

The launch of the network allows the telecom operator to be praised as the first to offer this service, but the fact that it used Huawei technology to make the 5G network raises questions about the future of the network.

The US, Australia, New Zealand and Japan are the countries that have refused to work with Huawei for 5G, and the UK and Germany could be the next two markets where Huawei would not be welcome.