How to turn multiple pictures into PDF on Windows and Mac

Time 30/06/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Pentru a trimite mai ușor unui prieten amintiri din vacanță, cel mai simplu ar fi să tranformi câteva imagini în PDF. Procesul necesită doar câțiva pași și funcționează la fel de bine pe Windows sau Mac.Cum transformi mai multe imagini în PDF pe Windows și Mac

If you have a set of images you want to send to a person in digital format, there are quite a lot of options.You can attach them to all an email, you can archive them or you can climb them on a cloud service, and then you only send the link to them.Another way involves turning the same pictures into PDF.This method is, from my point of view, the most reliable because the final file occupies less, is compatible with any platforms and does not involve a compromise from the quality point of view.In addition, if you have made the effort to scan the pages of a book, this is the best way to turn the large volume of images into the PDF, in order to recreate the experience of reading a digital format on PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone.

How do you turn more pictures into PDF on Mac

On Mac, the entire process of conversion of some images in the PDF is carried out through the Preview application.It is integrated into the operating system and you only have to start it from the applications or search it through Spotlight, by clicking on the magnifying glass on the top, next to the clock.Immediately after he started, Preview asks you, through a window, what files do you want to open.Go to the director in which you have the images of interest and, with the Command key, select them all.To deselect one that you chose by mistake, with the same CMD key, click on it again.Press Open at the end.

Noua fereastră ce va apărea pe ecran va avea în partea stângă o listă cu imaginile selectate. Cu click stânga apăsat pe fiecare dintre ele, le puteți schimba ordinea. Aceasta este relevantă pentru că se va reflecta și în fișierul PDF final. După definirea ordinii, accesați meniul File și apăsați pe Print. În partea de jos a ecranului faceți click pe Show Details. Deși puteți experimenta ce fac toate aceste opțiuni, cea mai relevantă este orientarea – Orientation. Dacă aveți mai multe imagini în stiva aleasă în mod portret, lăsați valoarea implicită selectată, dacă nu, puteți opta pentru Landscape sau panoramă. Cu un click în colțul din stânga jos pe butonul PDF alegeți Save as PDF. În noua fereastră puteți introduce, opțional, mai multe detalii despre fișierul vostru PDF, pe lângă numele efectiv. Setarea unei parole printr-un click pe Security Options este de asemenea o posibilitate. Tot de la Security Options puteți opta să interziceți copierea de conținut din fișierul PDF rezultat sau să retricționați drepturile de imprimare ale documentului. Confirmați modifcările cu un click pe OK, definiți directorul în care vreți documentul salvat și apăsați pe Save.Cum transformi mai multe imagini în PDF pe Windows și Mac

On Mac, if you forgot to insert a few pictures in the PDF or entered other mistakes that should not have been there, it is very easy to fix the situation.Open the PDF previously created in the preview, draw new pictures in the left list.Right -click on some of the images you no longer want to opt for Move to Trash.Save the changes with Save As PDF, as above.

How to turn pictures into pdf on Windows

In Windows 10, Microsoft has integrated a virtual printer that allows you to save in PDF almost any file that can be printed.The same function is not native to Windows 7 or 8, but there are free options you can call to gain the same functionality.Returning to our scenario with the transformation of images into PDF, you must first open your computer and locate the images you want to work with.With the CTRL key you can select several files on the jumps and, with the same key, you can deselect the ones that are extra.If the order of the imaginants in the PDF matters, it would be good to rename them in advance in the desired order, because the order in which they are displayed will be the same as the one in which they will be on a separate page in the final document.

With the selected images, right -click on any of them and opt for print from the context menu. In the upper left corner of new windows displayed on the screen, make sure you have selected Microsoft Print to PDF. Through the left, right arrows on the keyboard, you can see how your images will appear in the PDF. If some of them are cut, to fit on the page, uncheck Fit Picture to Frame at the bottom of the screen. If you want to adjust additional parameters for the PDF file, click the Options button to the bottom right and choose Printer Properties. That section allows you, for example, to create a file with pages in portrait or panorama format. Confirm any change with a click on OK. When you returned to the start window, press Print in the lower right corner and you will have to define a location and enter a name for the freshly created PDF document.

On Windows 7 or Windows 8, to win a set of similar functions, you must also install a so -called virtual printer.Such a utility is incorporated into DOPDF, free download from this address.The only difference is that in the print window you reach from the context menu entitled Print you will have to select as the DOPDF 8 printer, where 8 is the utility version.After pressing the print to the bottom right, a DOPDF 8 window will be displayed on the screen where you can define a few parameters, such as the quality of the created file, before defining the destination location.Automatically, at the conclusion of the conversion process, the file in the PDF format will be displayed on the screen.