Here's how you can solve the problem of email, safari, etc., which do not open after jailbreak using Evasi0N7

Time 08/12/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

If you have already done Jailbreak IDEVICE using your Evasi0N7 and at one point you have installed something in Cydia that prevents the opening of native, safari or others, then I have a solution for you.Considering that many tweaks are not compatible with iOS 7, such problems have been encountered by a large number of people, but following the steps below you can solve them, at least until you install something that causes them fromnew.

You can follow the instructions below either by using the IFILE application, or a utility for Windows/Mac and your computer connected to the computer.

  1. Dezinstalati toate tweak-urile si aplicatiile instalate prin Cydia, inclusiv pachete precum AppSync.
  2. Folosind utilitarul ales, navigati catre /var/mobile/Library/Caches.
  3. Cautati si (numarul 05x poate varia de la un iDevice la altul) si stergeti-le.
  4. Resetati terminalele voastre si totul ar trebui sa revina la normal.

Iata cum poti rezolva problema aplicatiilor Mail, Safari, etc, care nu se deschid dupa jailbreak folosind evasi0n7