Goodbye, Yahoo Answers! What was and what had become the question and answer platform launched 16 years ago

Time 12/04/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

Most likely, in 2021 Yahoo Answers didn't tell you anything, so it's no surprise that the service is shutting down for good. But it deserves at least a recapitulation of its 16 years of existence.

Yahoo Answers is a platform for questions and answers (many of them extremely bizarre) launched in 2005. Over time, all sorts of questions have been gathered there - from how pregnant women stay and how children are raised. Also, the list of topics discussed there in the 16 years of existence is extremely varied.

As this service became irrelevant in 2021, the platform is closing. Not surprisingly, given that the few people who started talking there came up with topics related to conspiracies and theories that had never been proven before.

Yahoo Answers closes permanently on May 4th.

Yahoo Answers closes

Adio, Yahoo Answers! Ce a fost și ce ajunsese platforma de întrebări și răspunsuri lansată acum 16 ani

The remaining users have a period of time to save their personal data, the company announces. From April 20, Yahoo Answers will be read-only - the current content will be visible, but no new posts will be accepted, and from May 4 it will be permanently closed.

For exporting data to Yahoo servers, users have almost two months, ie until June 30.

The platform was completely irrelevant in 2021, but if you look back, Yahoo Answers wanted to be one of the largest Q&A platforms, the questions and answers posted here often have prominent references in search engines.

Yahoo, now part of telecom giant Verizon, has already notified its users of the changes.

Over time, Yahoo Answers' questions and answers have been an inexhaustible source of humor. Lately, however, due to moderation gaps, the platform has become the host of false information and conspiracy theories. For example, there are topics such as "Will America last 4 years under Joe Biden" or the classic "Was Stalin completely right?"

The final closure, therefore, is by no means a loss. Perhaps for the nostalgic and amateur conspiracy theorists.