Why do we need to learn mathematics? How it will help you in the future, more than you think

Time 15/02/2023 By myhoneybakedfeedback

At least once, many of us have asked ourselves the question: What is the use of mathematics in my life? If she came while we were struggling to solve an equation, surely we were convinced that we would never need her in the future.

Why is it important to learn math?

When we are still in school, we are tempted to think that we will only need math if we are inclined towards the real world. Those who want to follow this path will learn more intensively in real subjects in order to be able to use them in the future. Unfortunately, it is wrong to think this way. But, we will realize it much too late. It is very possible that we will never realize.

Mathematics is an exact science. Following simpler or more complicated calculations, with its help, we must arrive at a clear result. That is why those who do not want to work in a field based on the exact sciences consider it useless to study mathematics.

However, many researchers and teachers have come to a very clear conclusion regarding it. Mathematics is a very important science, both for those who want to practice with it and for the rest. It influences our daily lives in thousands of ways.

To better understand this hypothesis we must ask ourselves the question: How did we come to evolve this way? When I say this, I mean both technology and each of us, the way we are built as individuals.

How does mathematics shape us?

The way we think, as mature people, is based on several coordinates. A number of factors in everyone's life have determined the way we are built today. Therefore, those who have allocated time and energy to learn better in school, in theory, are the most successful. "The highest form of pure thought exists in mathematics," said Plato.

It's true, not all subjects learned in school or college will shape our future directly. But, they will all contribute to our way of thinking and the way we see life in adulthood.

So mathematics is a clear science. To solve real-world problems and calculations, you need to find a solution method. Many times, you can find several methods and only one answer. Oddly enough, every math exercise or problem you solved made you who you are today.

The vast majority of math problems are based on logic. The more exercises we have done, the more developed our logic is. While searching for a solution, you basically trained and exercised your brain to find another way of thinking. So, in adulthood, you will be able to find solutions to problems that have nothing to do with mathematics much more easily and intuitively, because your mind is already open to such challenges. You will do it naturally without suspecting that those exercises did you any good. Most of the time, we think this is how we are, some smarter and some less gifted. In fact, the multitude of factors gathered throughout life shapes our mind and existence.

There are several ways to solve a problem. Some actually fix it, but some don't. However, we are looking for more options. By doing this, we develop our creativity. Creativity is not only necessary in the fields of art, as we might be inclined to think. Creativity is a mental and social process that involves the generation of new ideas or concepts. So, in our everyday life, we need creativity.

Why we need to learn mathematics. How it will help you in the future, more than you think

Another factor, very important in solving math problems, is the fact that you have to stay focused. Regardless of the method chosen, in the end, you must achieve a certain result. Mathematics teaches you to realize, in due time, which option may be the correct one to go forward with. Thus, it helps you develop your capacity for synthesis and analysis in a certain context. Just like in life, no matter what path you take, you must stay focused on the outcome you want to achieve. Whether we are talking about major circumstances or everyday situations, the effect is the same. If you have the necessary ability, you will get over such moments well. If not, you will be inclined to believe that this is all that could be done, because you did not see other options.

Another major factor that can influence your life going forward is attention to detail. Math exercises develop this side of you a lot. They are what make the difference, whether we are talking about a math problem or a life circumstance. Attention to detail is an acquired trait.

Mathematical problems and exercises stimulate our memory. It is known that if you don't exercise your memory you lose it. This is true at any age. If our brain is not used to exercise, it becomes more and more difficult to memorize. Therefore, mathematics only trains our minds.

Adaptability is a factor also acquired through mathematical exercises. When the chosen option is not the right one, you have to go to the next one. The challenge is to not give up on the exercise and keep going until you find the right solution. This feature will help you handle failures in the future. Adaptability will be what gets you past a failure and find another solution. You will look at mistakes as a lesson and not consider this the end result. So, you will be able to start over by looking for another better option.

In conclusion, the way we think or act defines us. This we acquire through practice. The reaction time, the duration of thinking, the way forward, the optimal solution found are part of our daily challenges. Depending on how trained we are, that's how we'll deal with them. Some of us will find solutions, timely and very advantageous, others not. So that analytical thinking, creativity, logic and the ability to solve problems are coordinated acquired and maintained by mathematics.

Have you ever wondered why some people succeed in life and others don't?

People who have sharp and trained minds usually have a lot of confidence in themselves. Their success comes from the fact that the choices they make are very well thought out. Everyone thinks about what they want to put into action, but only some will be able to see all sides of the problem they are exposed to. Their minds are trained to find all possible variations on a problem. Therefore, they can make a clearer prediction of what will come next. Their minds are already trained for such a thing. They will consider all possible coordinates, not just the obvious. We often call it "intuition". But, at its base are hours of exercises and problems that led to a quick, logical thinking, attentive to the result and collected from all possible options. "Learning mathematics, you learn to think" said the mathematician Grigore Moisil.

Now, if we're going to think directly about how math helps us in life, let's not forget that many of us have pursued careers based on it. So, to work in the field of aerodynamics you need equations. The development of new drugs is based on statistics. There are studies that show that a large percentage of the population employed with the help of mathematics makes an important contribution to the economy of a country.

The algorithm behind the Google search engine was also made with the help of mathematics. This is how Larry Page and Sergey Brin became billionaires. Today's level of technology is largely due to mathematics. Artificial Intelligence, the applications used, are all based on mathematical methods. There are millions of people who use math on a regular basis. All their effort led to what we have today.

Where did network science come from?

In 1700, the great mathematician Leonhard Euler, being in the Prussian city of Kőnigsberg, asked himself a question. The city he was in was located on a river, had two islands and was connected by seven bridges. He thought: Is it possible to walk around the city crossing each bridge only once? The answer is no, but his work has solved other similar scenarios involving islands and bridges. It created a new branch of mathematics: "graph theory" or "network science". It led to a huge variety of applications and created many career options.

Mathematics is the basis of computer-generated images?

Maybe you never thought about it, but it is mathematics that provided the basis of computer-generated images. The Irishman Sir William Rowan Hamilton, a mathematical genius, found a three-dimensional number system. At that time there were only physics problems based on two-dimensional space. No technicalities or computer generated images. He called these numbers "quaternions" and promoted them in many areas of mathematics and physics. Later in 1985, mathematician Ken Shoemake realized that quaternions are ideal for rotating graphical objects in three-dimensional space. Today they are widely used when the object of a computer-generated image rotates or turns.

The Pythagorean Theorem

The Pythagorean Theorem is a very important topic in mathematics and an essential theorem in geometry. This explains the relationship between the lengths of the sides of the triangle and states that in any right triangle, the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. Thanks to the Greek mathematician, today we can have impressive architectural constructions. The theorem can be used in construction and architecture to ensure that buildings are square. In navigation, the shortest travel distance can also be calculated. And in topography it can show how steep the plants, hills or mountains are.

Over time, the world's greatest mathematicians have contributed, each in their own way, to the development of today's society. Pythagoras, Euclid, Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Hypatia of Alexandria, Sir Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal and Pierre-Simon Laplace are the greatest and best known of them. Their contribution to humanity was colossal. Their discoveries and thinking could lead to what we are today. They accelerated the process, so that today we can talk about Artificial Intelligence and high-tech.

How does mathematics help us in our everyday life?

If we think about the purpose of mathematics from a strict perspective, in everyday life we ​​always use it. If you are a cook, carpenter, mechanic, salesman, doctor, engineer or scientist you definitely need mathematical calculations. Everyone needs it, including in everyday activities. It helps you manage your time efficiently or save your money. If you do sports, you need to calculate your time, strategy, distance or calories. For cooking, you will need to calculate your required quantities.

In conclusion, the way we live is the reflection of who we are. Experiences and acquired skills are what define us. Our construction, the choices we make, the way we take advantage of opportunities, the way we react are realities that come from our thinking. The way of thinking of each of us was formed over time, layer by layer. It is obviously based on mathematics.