iCloud allows recovery of contacts, calendars and other deleted files

Time 16/10/2022 By myhoneybakedfeedback

iCloud allows us to save the data from our terminals in Apple servers, and here we are talking about contacts, calendars, photos, video clips, passwords and a multitude of other files or data that exist in iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

Of course, all this data can be deleted at any time by users, and if I recently had no opportunity to recover the deleted data from ICLOUS ACTIVES, Apple has changed this and implemented a system that allows us to restoreEverything that has been erased in the past 30 days.

The menu for the recovery of contacts, calendars and other deleted files in iCloud is accessible on this page, at the bottom there are three links called Restore Files, Restores and Restore Calendars and Reminders, all three leading to the same menu..

iCloud permite recuperarea contactelor, calendarelor si a altor fisiere sterse

After opening this menu you will see the latest saves made by iCloud for the files available in the iPhone, iPad or iPod your touch and you will have a restore button next to each saving available to restore those data.

By clicking the Restore button next to a saving you will repay the old data by deleting the current ones, so you will not be able to choose one or more deleted contacts, but you will have to restore all the old data in terminals and to delete again what no longeryou need.

The system is extremely useful, including for files saved in iCloud Drive, because it helps us recover important data that would have been deleted, but only if this deletion was made up to 30 days ago, any older files being lost.

Apple has not officially presented this function and theoretically it should be available for iOS 8, although I have only tested it with iOS 9, but it seems unlikely to be a system dedicated to the new iOS.